Undergraduate programs

The B.A. in Economics provides an undergraduate education in economics with a particular focus on its application to decision making not only in business, but also in the public sector and non-profit organizations. The program offers a terrific academic experience with an emphasis on skills and capabilities appropriate to the study of modern market economies and their relevance to decision making of economic entities.


The Economics program at Nazarbayev University is one of the fastest growing programs in the School of Sciences and Humanities. It is aimed at providing excellent training in the core economic theory and different fields within Microeconomics and Macroeconomics.

The program is designed to provide students with theoretical knowledge and practical skills for successful careers in business and government sector, as well as graduate studies in Economics, Business Administration, International Relations, Law and many others.

Economics students may choose to pursue a standard Economics major or a math-intensive version of the same major. The math-intensive version provides additional training in sophisticated methods that are useful in modeling and forecasting of complex market behavior. The Economics program also provides an opportunity to do an Economics Minor.


English Language Requirements

IELTS – no less than 6.5 overall (with at least 6.0 in each sub-score) or TOEFL IBT – 79-93 (Reading – no less than 13, Listening – no less than 12, Speaking – no less than 18, Writing – no less than 21) or TOEFL PBT** – 574-599

Academic Requirements

– Minimum requirements for graduates or students of the final year of secondary school, colleges, UK Foundation program and graduates of the A-level program

SAT Reasoning Test ** or ACT SAT Reasoning Test – 1240 Essay is not required, no minimum score OR ACT – 27 composite score. Writing part is not required, no minimum score

– Minimum requirements for graduates and holders of NIS Grade 12 Certificate*

NIS 12 Grade Certificate – A B B (any subjects)

– Minimum requirements for graduates and holders of IВ Diploma Program***

IB DP 30 total score and 4, 4, 5 for 3 subjects of HL

*NIS Grade 12 Certificate holders can also participate in the competition in the “Graduates of secondary schools” category with IELTS and SAT results (see the minimum requirements for this category above).

** The Nazarbayev University applies the Superscoring for SAT scores.

***IB DP holders can also participate in the competition in the “Graduates of secondary schools” category with IELTS and SAT results (see the minimum requirements for this category above).


4 years

Work after graduation

B.A. in Economics is fundamental degree and education for anyone, which open many doors and provides opportunities to work in:

Private Sector
Public Sector
Government Entities
Non-governmental Organizations
Multinational Corporations

Program outline

BA program runs 4 years (8 semesters) where you are required to complete 240 ECTS credits.

Economics requirements:
Introduction to Microeconomics
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Economic Statistics
Intermediate Microeconomics
Intermediate Macroeconomics
Econometrics I
General Economics Electives (300 level economics electives)
Advanced Economics Electives (400 and higher level economics electives)

Distribution requirements:
Two Kazakh courses
History of Kazakhstan
Ethics course
Writing and Communication
Four Humanities Electives
Three Social Science electives
Natural Sciences and Math
Computer Science course
Business course
Any courses from SSH or SEDS

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