
Actual problems of the Kazakh language and Turkology: Spiritual modernization in the 21st century


The School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Nazarbayev University invites you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of the Kazakh language and Turkology: Spiritual modernization in the 21st century” October 26 – 28, 2017.

    The purpose of the conference is to discuss the scientific, theoretical, and pedagogical base of the Kazakh language and Turkology, and exchange experience in the field of language education.

The goal of the conference is the following tasks: identification of the directions of the development of the Kazakh language as the basis for the modernization of public and national consciousness, academic and professionally oriented content, and the use of new innovative technologies and discussion of topical problems of modern Turkology.

      Working directions of the conference:

  1. Kazakh language and the modernization of national consciousness.
  2. Teaching and assessment of the Kazakh language: a competitive new quality level.
  3. Kazakh writing system and the Latin alphabet.
  4. «Zhana gumanitarlyq bilim. Qazaq tilindegi 100 zhana oquluq»/« New humanities knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language» as a prerequisite for improving the professional Kazakh language.
  5. Actual problems of Kazakh linguistics in the 21st century.
  6. Linguistic archeology and historical linguistic description of the world.
  7. Problems of translation studies at the junction of cultures and national terminology.
  8. Actual problems of Turkology in the 21st century.
  9. Turkology and Anthropology.
  10. Language and literature as a valuable link between spiritual traditions.
  11. History as the cognitive space of evolutionary development.

Conference languages: Kazakh, Turkish, Russian, and English.

Conference formats and duration of reports:

– Plenary meeting / for each – 20 minutes /

– Section / for each – 15 min. /

– Panel discussions, colloquia / for 4-5 people – 90 minutes /

– Lectures of prominent scholars / 60 min. /

Rules of registration for the conference:

1) For online registration for the conference you need to go through the following link:

2) For the traditional form of registration with affixing of the article abstracts, scanned payment receipt and application issued in accordance with Annex 1, the following e-mail should be used …. The application form is attached.

3) For the purpose of obtaining a visa the Organizing Committee of the conference will also prepare and send out official invitations for presentation to the consular departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad.

Requirements for the formulation of abstracts: the length of abstracts is 250-300 words. The text should be prepared in MS Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, interval 1, paragraph 1.25 cm, 2 cm on all sides, with 4-5 keywords attached at the end of the text.

Deadline for registration for the conference: September 10, 2017


Registration fees for the conference:

– For citizens of Kazakhstan – 5000 tenge

– For foreign citizens – $ 100.

Conditions of participation: the participant pays for travel expenses, gala dinner, and cultural program.

Organizing Committee: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kabanbai Batyr Avenue 53, 8-block, School of Humanitarian and Social Sciences, 2-floor. Phones for communication: 70-63-29, 70-57-98, 70-57-95; Fax: 8 (7172) 70-60-54.