
Tutor recruitment

Dear students,
One of the big summer opportunities that the LLL department offers our students is the chance to serve as tutorsand work with international students in our Summer School of Russian and Eurasian Studies, who come to NU to study Kazakh or Russian. This helps prepare students who are interested in teaching languages, or those who are considering studying in graduate programs abroad.
Job responsibilities include tutoring international students in Russian and/or Kazakh as a Foreign Language. Other job responsibilities include helping the program director and the instructors with logistics and running the program (assisting with cultural events, solving day-to-day problems, helping foreign student adapt to life at NU, and assisting with other issues related with the life on campus and in Astana).
This opportunity is provided in conjunction with our Teaching Pedagogy sequence, which includes LING 370 Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (offered Spring 2019) and LING 371 Practicum in Teaching Foreign Languages (offered Summer 2019).
Preference will be given to LLL majors who have taken LING 370  (formerly WLL 370) in Spring 2019 or Summer 2018.
Amanda F. Murphy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Director of External Programs
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Nazarbayev University