Dr. Jenni Lehtinen’s new book “DOÑA BÁRBARA UNLEASHED” has been included in Spring Summer 2021 New Titles Catalogue.
Jenni Lehtinen’s new book “Doña Bárbara Unleashed: From Venezuelan Plains to International Screen” has been included in Spring Summer 2021 New Titles Catalogue (University of Wales Press) The book illustrates how film and telenovela adaptations have reinterpreted the story of Doña Bárbara in order to mirror changes in societal norms, such as the role of […]
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The word ‘Persia’ to the Victorians was not just the name of a territorial entity but a matrix of different notions, created and crafted by a range of oral and written stories, themes and tropes. ‘Persia’ was a product of a mental vision with a long historical heritage, formed by a variety of sources, and […]
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The department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature cordially invites you to attend the following very special lectures: “What Defines Language Dominance in Bilinguals?” by Professor Jeanine Treffers-Daller (University of Reading) Wed. Nov. 28th 10:30 Room 8105 & “Language Dominance in Bilinguals with Structural Different Language Pairs (Kazakh, Turkish, and English)” by Professor Michael Daller (University of […]
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This Friday LLL department is having a party for LLL majors to celebrate the end of term. There will pizza, cupcakes, beverages, and professors. Come and have fun! Friday, 12.00, 8th block, balcony. […]
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Dear students, One of the big summer opportunities that the LLL department offers our students is the chance to serve as tutorsand work with international students in our Summer School of Russian and Eurasian Studies, who come to NU to study Kazakh or Russian. This helps prepare students who are interested in teaching languages, or those who […]
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Students, register for the Spring 2019 course: LING 370: Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (13.00-13.50, 8.140) taught by professor Alexandra Shaeffer. You will have a chance to learn contemporary methods of teaching and researching languages You will have lectures, workshops, guest teaching, practical assignments, portfolio, and language research It will be an ideal course for those interested in […]
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October 18 (Thursday) at 3:30pm in room 8.105. The Sighs that Bind: Complaining across Cultures and Social Contexts Talk by Alexandra Shaeffer, Assistant Professor at the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literatures About the presenter: Dr. Alexandra Shaeffer earned her BA in Modern Languages and Literatures from Kenyon College in Ohio where she specialized in […]
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