Category: Announcements

The research work from the Physics Department has been published in Physical Review Research, one of the highly selective journals

The research work from the Physics Department has been published in Physical Review Research, one of the highly selective journals

Zhumabek with Prof. C. Valagiannopoulos employed analytical and numerical techniques to predict the most promising photonic nanomaterials for future devices requiring smart design and packaging with a broad range of applications in thermal conversion, optical sensing, light modulation and detection. Tilek Zhumabek is a second year Master of Science in Physics student with BSc in […]

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Professor Jean Francois Caron’s book has been reviewed by the French Press

Le Devoir newspaper, which is the oldest French Canadian newspaper, founded in 1910 has reviewed professor Jean Francois Caron’s book “A Sketch of the World After the Covid-19 Crisis” Essays on Political Authority,the Future of Globalization, and the Rise of China. To learn more about the book please follow the link. Here is the English […]

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School of Sciences and Humanities of Nazarbayev University announces the start of online application to Masters programs for the 2021-2022 academic year

Dear applicants, we are happy to announce that the online application period for Master’s programs are available from November 16, 2020 until April 30, 2021 (inclusive). To apply please follow the link. The School of Sciences and Humanities offers seven graduate degree programs: Master of Arts in Political Science and International Relations Launched in the […]

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Online lecture
Professor Hélène Thibault and Naureen Durrani will be delivering an online lecture on “Gender, Education, Conflict and Crises”.

Professor Naureen Durrani, Graduate School of Education and Assistant Professor of the Political Science and International Relations Department Hélène Thibault will be delivering an online lecture on “Gender, Education, Conflict and Crises” on December 3rd. Both Professors are members of the PEER Network. The PEER Network is a three-year initiative led by four universities (Ulster, […]

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Shedding a new light on nano- and micro- scale thermal transport in ion irradiated materials by advanced laser metrology

What’s new: Advanced subsurface heat conduction measurement results published in Journal of Applied Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, and AIP Advances. Who is involved: Associate Professor Zhandos Utegulov, Postdoctoral Research Scholars Azat Abdullaev and Ainur Koshkinbayeva of NU SSH Department of Physics. Controlling thermal transport of materials on nano- and […]

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Professor Elliott Bowen’s book “In Search of Sexual Health” has been published by John Hopkins University

How did beliefs about syphilis shape the kinds of treatment people with this disease received? The story of how a town in the Ozark hinterlands played a key role in determining standards of medical care around syphilis. During the late 1800s and early 1900s, the central Arkansas city of Hot Springs enjoyed a reputation as […]

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The results of the essay competition held by the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations have been announced

This summer the Department of PSIR held an essay competition. PSIR majors from classes of 2021 and 2022 were invited to share their thoughts on this question: «Since the collapse of Soviet Union, there has been a religious revival in Central Asia. What do you think are the main reasons explaining this increase of religiosity? […]

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N. Nazarbayev Center for the Development of Interfaith and Intercivilizational Dialogue and Nazarbayev University signed a memorandum of cooperation

The purpose of the memorandum is to establish and develop cooperation between the Center and Nazarbayev University in the field of holding joint events, opening dialogue platforms and discussion platforms aimed at promoting interreligious, interfaith and intercivilizational dialogue, organizing guest lectures, expert meetings with the participation of religious leaders, prominent statesmen, scientists, representatives of the […]

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The book by professor Jean Francois Caron has been nominated for “The Quill and the Sword”

Initially published in English with Manchester University Press (2018), the French version of Prof. Jean-François Caron’s Theory of the Super Soldier: The Morality of Capacity-Increasing Technologies in the Military has been nominated alongside two other books for “The Quill and the Sword” prize organized by the French military which rewards the best book on a […]

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