Bioarchaeology and Bronze Age Kazakhstan: Visiting scholar hosts NU undergraduate workshop
During October 2019, the Sociology and Anthropology Department hosted Bioarchaeology Professor Elissa Bullion (University of Pittsburgh) who provided a hands-on learning opportunity in human remains analysis to the School of Sciences and Humanities students at Nazarbayev University. The workshop was held in the Anthropology Laboratory where volunteers learned skills for deciphering the age, sex, anatomy, […]
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On July 19, 2019, the Editorial Board Members of the Journal of Biological Chemistry selected Nazarbayev University researchers’ article as an Editors’ Pick published in the Journal’s July edition and accompanied it with a highlighted overview of main findings of the article. Dr. Dos D. Sarbassov from the Department of Biology of the School of […]
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On September 20, 2019, Our Dean Daniel Pugh and Department Chairs have congratulated 138 the School of Sciences and Humanities students who earned the places on the Fall 2019 Dean’s list. Dean’s List is an honorary roll assigned to the top students for their academic achievements and excellence, as well as for outstanding research performance. […]
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Highlight event of the fall – #NUGeekFest! Come to the Nazarbayev University on 29th September for the following events from 11 am to 5 pm: ⠀⠀⠀⠀ Exhibition of Educational Programs Learn about the admissions process, visit our labs and meet with professors.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Cybersport Tournament⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Participate in the tournament and win prizes from sponsors! Campus Tours⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ […]
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We are pleased to announce that the National association of members performing engineering surveys and design documentation – NOPRIZ and the Russian Academy of Arts invite students and post-graduate students of Nazarbayev University to participate in the NOPRIZ International Professional Competition for the Best Project-2019. The submitted projects by the Contest participants should not be […]
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Summer archaeology: NU faculty and students excavate east Kazakhstan’s Semey region This summer Professor Paula Dupuy and history faculty Aidyn Zhunishkhanov led archaeological excavations in the Semey region to uncover new information on its ancient societies. The team included undergraduate and graduate students from Nazarbayev University, Shakarim State University of Semey, and the United States (Washington University […]
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On June 1, 2019, the 5th Anniversary graduation ceremony of students of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences held, where the graduates’ families were invited. This year, the School graduated 131 students with an undergraduates degree and 19 students with a Master degree at the ceremony. Graduates of the Department of Political Science […]
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On June 20-22, 2019 the Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies (KLTS), Nazarbayev University, SHSS in cooperation with Erciyes University (Turkey) and Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Kazakhstan, Turkistan) held the 5th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literature on the topic “Intersection of Cultures”. The symposium was aimed to gather researchers and create more opportunities […]
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On June 3, 2019, the opening ceremony of the study period for students of the Summer School of Russian language and Eurasian studies took place, where our faculty of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Nazarbayev University congratulated and wished fruitful studies and a great time in Nur-Sultan. We would like to note […]
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The department of the Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Nazarbayev University, held the «Zhas Galym» student scientific exhibition in cooperation with the International Association of Kazakh Teachers on 12-19th April 2019. The scientific exhibition was dedicated to two anniversaries in 2019 – the 120th anniversary of […]
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