On April 26, 2019 the School of Humanities and Social Sciences of Nazarbayev University had held an annual student awards ceremony to acknowledge exceptional work some of our students have done in their classes during the academic year. There were nominations such as exceptional research performance, outstanding academic success, and sustained academic excellence. We would […]
Student Awards Ceremony 2019

Great steppe culture and Kazakh national cuisine are attracting great interest among foreigners. For example, Sandra Real from Mexico is currently exploring the koumiss nutritious drink. Sandra’s interest in the national drink grew stronger as she learned that in addition to taste, this drink helps to cure many diseases. Therefore, her first thesis in undergraduate […]
On March 5, 2019, in honor of the discovery of a unique laboratory for the study of materials obtained during archaeological excavations, a seminar on the “History of the study of ancient DNA” was held at Nazarbayev University School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Domestic and foreign archaeologists, genetics and historians pointed out the secrets […]
On the first day of March 2019, in the special project “Sana” our teaching assistant Aydin Zhuniskhanov shared his interest in the genesis of the Kazakhs and why he has chosen a profession in anthropology. At the moment, Aydin Zhuniskhanov is exploring the outskirts of the city of Semey, where the Neolithic monuments are concentrated […]
For all those who wish to study at the School of humanities and social sciences! We are glad to invite you to the Application Evening, where we will talk about Master of Arts and PhD programs taught at SHSS on the 5th March at 5.30 pm in the auditorium 9.105. We will tell you about Master of […]
On 21st of February in 2016 student club “SHYRAQ” was created by the enthusiasm of Saule and Samal instructors and students of NU who cares about the future of their mother tongue. There were many students who wished to work with us. Thanks to our first and second presidents, Yerkegali Metey and Azamat Taigarayev, we organized […]

Students, register for the Spring 2019 course: LING 370: Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (13.00-13.50, 8.140) taught by professor Alexandra Shaeffer. You will have a chance to learn contemporary methods of teaching and researching languages You will have lectures, workshops, guest teaching, practical assignments, portfolio, and language research It will be an ideal course for those interested in […]

Helene Thibault, Assistant Professor of Department of Political Science & International Relations has published a book titled “Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia”. Here is the link to an interview with Helene Thibault on her new book: Transforming Post-Soviet Tajikistan: An Interview with Hélène Thibault […]
The interview of Mikhail Akulov regarding the memory of repressions and deportations in 1930s and 1940s. Here the link below to the interview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13wsgUKObjrtY-76XLrc8DL1RM-L3rk8M/view or the link for mobile devices: https://soundcloud.com/everydaybyday/zhivaya_pamyat_1 […]

The Department of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Nazarbayev University hosted an international conference “Religious [In]Tolerance in the Russian Empire” in cooperation with Lev Gumilov Eurasian National University and Yevnei Buketov Karaganda State University on October 5-7th, 2018. Three hosting universities faculty and scholars from the […]