Category: PSIR news

Professor Hélène Thibault’s book “Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia” has been translated into Turkish

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Professor Hélène Thibault’s book “Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia” has been translated into Turkish

Professor Helene Thibault’s (PSIR Department) book called “Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia” and originally published in 2018 has been translated into Turkish and is now available for sale at Ketebe Publishing: About the book This book offers a political reading of the religious revival taking place in Tajikistan following the […]

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Listen to last week’s Majlis podcast of RFE/RL with Associate Professor Caress Schenk

The podcast discussed the recent remittance figures from the Russian Central Bank and discussed the impact of COVID-19, specifically the closure of Russia’s borders, on migrants and their families in Central Asia as well as the impact on Central Asian economies.  The podcast was hosted by RFE/RL’s Muhammad Tahir and included guests Irina Kuznetsova (University […]

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A senior student of SSH got into Harvard: Interview with Aruzhan Meirkhanova

  Introduction. Tell us about yourself  A: I am a senior student studying political science and international relations. My research interests include Russian foreign policy, “hybrid warfare,” Belt and Road Initiative, and Central Asian politics.  Q: Why did you choose PSIR major? A: I had a strong prior interest in politics, but I had not […]

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A new publication by Eurasian Studies MA student Zhibek Aisarina has been highlighted in PONARS Eurasia newsletter

PONARS Eurasia mentioned the article by MAES student Zhibek Aisarina in their newsletter.  “In our article with Dr. Erica Marat, we shed light on the under-recognition of works by Central Asian researchers. Although  local authors’ works get published, they are usually considered not as good as works by their Western counterparts. Another hurdle is the […]

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Online lecture
Professor Hélène Thibault and Naureen Durrani will be delivering an online lecture on “Gender, Education, Conflict and Crises”.

Professor Naureen Durrani, Graduate School of Education and Assistant Professor of the Political Science and International Relations Department Hélène Thibault will be delivering an online lecture on “Gender, Education, Conflict and Crises” on December 3rd. Both Professors are members of the PEER Network. The PEER Network is a three-year initiative led by four universities (Ulster, […]

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The results of the essay competition held by the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations have been announced

This summer the Department of PSIR held an essay competition. PSIR majors from classes of 2021 and 2022 were invited to share their thoughts on this question: «Since the collapse of Soviet Union, there has been a religious revival in Central Asia. What do you think are the main reasons explaining this increase of religiosity? […]

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The book by professor Jean Francois Caron has been nominated for “The Quill and the Sword”

Initially published in English with Manchester University Press (2018), the French version of Prof. Jean-François Caron’s Theory of the Super Soldier: The Morality of Capacity-Increasing Technologies in the Military has been nominated alongside two other books for “The Quill and the Sword” prize organized by the French military which rewards the best book on a […]

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Professor Helene Thibault’s photo has been selected on the cover of the Nationalities Papers Journal

Dr. Helene Thibault, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations Department: One of my photos selected to be on the cover of the Nationalities Papers Journal! Dr. Helene Thibault submitted this photo at the occasion of the 2019 edition of the Association for the Studies of Nationalities conference, which she attends in NY every […]

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What would Machiavelli say about political power and authority if he was alive today?

What would Machiavelli say about political power and authority if he was alive today? Find out more in Jean-Francois Caron’s newest book in his 2.0 version of this classic in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Sciences and International Relations: The book updates the ideas of the famous political philosopher from […]

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“Transforming Tajikistan: Interview with Hélène Thibault about her latest book”

Helene Thibault, Assistant Professor of Department of Political Science & International Relations has published a book titled “Transforming Tajikistan: State-building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia”. Here is the link to an interview with Helene Thibault on her new book: Transforming Post-Soviet Tajikistan: An Interview with Hélène Thibault […]

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