Category: PSIR news

Dr. Jean-François Caron has published two books

Dr. Jean-François Caron has published two books

SHSS Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Dr. Jean-François Caron, has recently published two books respectively entitled ‘’A Theory of the Super Soldier : The Morality of Capacity-Increasing Technologies in the Military’’ (Manchester University Press) and ‘’Disobedience in the Military : Legal and Ethical Implications’’ (Palgrave MacMillan). The first book […]

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MAPSIR Student Has Been Invited to the United Nations to talk about Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions!

Jamilya Nurkanova, MAPSIR student at the SHSS, Nazarbayev University, has been invited to speak in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations and present Action Plan related to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is because Jamilya has won the 2017 “ManyLanguages, One World®“ international essay contest. More than 6,000 individuals from […]

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MAPSIR students presented their research in New York City

Three MAPSIR students Madina Bizhanova, Botagoz Kunedilova and Slyamzhar Akhmetzharov have returned from New York City where they had presented their research at Fordham University, Columbia University, and the World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. You can read their impressions here: […]

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Prof. Neil Collins and Kristina Bekenova represented Nazarbayev University at the workshop in Malta

In February 2016, Prof. Neil Collins from the School of humanities and social sciences won the Horizon 2020 grant by the European Commission, thus, bringing Nazarbayev University for 3-year period to the team of 8 leading academic institutions from Belgium, UK, Germany, Slovenia and France to work on the research project launched on 1st March […]

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SHSS Professor publishes her first book

SHSS Assistant Professor Dr Helene Thibault has published her first book titled “Transforming Tajikistan: State-Building and Islam in Post-Soviet Central Asia”, that addresses the issue of religious revival in Tajikistan in light of the Soviet atheist legacy. The book demonstrates the profound and lasting influence of Soviet power structures and attitudes, and how secular and religious identities […]

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