Nazarbayev University launches a new rubric on Instagram, “Professor Live”
You will spend a day with NU professor to learn more about the field of professor’s study, curriculum, school and the opportunity to ask interesting questions during live streams on August 6th at 4:00 pm on Instagram. Follow the stories and leave your questions in the comments. The first guest is Ulan Bigozhin, Assistant Professor […]
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The Tselinniy Center for Contemporary Culture conducts a series of online lectures from leading experts in Kazakhstan and other countries created under quarantine. The first invited guest was Alima Bisenova, an assistant professor of sociology and anthropology at the School of Sciences and Humanities. In a short lecture course “Ethnography of the Kazakh steppe of […]
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During October 2019, the Sociology and Anthropology Department hosted Bioarchaeology Professor Elissa Bullion (University of Pittsburgh) who provided a hands-on learning opportunity in human remains analysis to the School of Sciences and Humanities students at Nazarbayev University. The workshop was held in the Anthropology Laboratory where volunteers learned skills for deciphering the age, sex, anatomy, […]
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Summer archaeology: NU faculty and students excavate east Kazakhstan’s Semey region This summer Professor Paula Dupuy and history faculty Aidyn Zhunishkhanov led archaeological excavations in the Semey region to uncover new information on its ancient societies. The team included undergraduate and graduate students from Nazarbayev University, Shakarim State University of Semey, and the United States (Washington University […]
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Great steppe culture and Kazakh national cuisine are attracting great interest among foreigners. For example, Sandra Real from Mexico is currently exploring the koumiss nutritious drink. Sandra’s interest in the national drink grew stronger as she learned that in addition to taste, this drink helps to cure many diseases. Therefore, her first thesis in undergraduate […]
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On Saturday, April 7th, 2018, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology held its first annual undergraduate capstone conference. The capstone conference was a culmination of a year-long capstone course that has allowed our ten graduating fourth-year students majoring in either Anthropology or Sociology to conduct original research and present their findings to members of the […]
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Academics from the UK and Kazakhstan had worked together to discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to the mandatory social health insurance in Kazakhstan at the workshop in March 26-27, 2018 in Astana at Nazarbayev University. In 2015, a group of researchers from the London School of Economics and Nazarbayev University received […]
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Professors Reed Coil and Gabriel McGuire joined with former SHSS professor Zachary Cofran to carry out a joint ethnographic and archaeological survey of the Altay region of eastern Kazakhstan this summer. The team spent two weeks in the mountains and valleys around the Zaisan basin, where they spoke with local villagers and searched for possible […]
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We are glad to inform you that the long-awaited Anthropology lab in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences is ready to start working now. In the space of 2 years, a lot of hard work, attention and dedication were put into the lab, in order to have it presentable and great to work in. […]
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