NU SSH students Aizhan Tulendinova and Alua Kadyrbek co-authored the math-oriented paper
Today we would like to congratulate our talented graduate bachelor graduates – Aizhan Tulendinova and Alua Kadyrbek for their first co-authored the math-oriented paper. The papers are based on their project work outcomes when they were Research Assistants of Associate Professor Pyotr Skrzypacz, also they are students in the Capstone Project course. Aizhan and Alua […]
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The 29th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMC) for university students was held in Bulgaria from 1 to 7 August, 2022. This year’s competition was organized by University College London and hosted by the American University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. IMC is one of the most prestigious math competitions for undergraduate students in the world, in which SEDS […]
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Assistant Professor Viktor Brus, Department of Physics and international co-workers are reported Highly transparent organic photoactive materials and published “Unraveling Device Physics of Dilute-Donor Narrow-Bandgap Organic Solar Cells with Highly Transparent Active Layers” in Advanced Materials ( They claim that next-generation photovoltaics will be lightweight, flexible, and (semi)transparent. The changes in the fundamental processes in […]
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NU Physicists in Collaboration with International Colleagues Accomplished Better Understanding of Electronic Processes in Novel Semitransparent Organic Solar Cells. Organic photovoltaics offer sustainable, solution-processable, and cost-effective integrated energy harvesting solutions (see Fig. 1). While opaque organic solar cells underwent enormous progress in the past decade, it remains a challenge to simultaneously high performance and transparency […]
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In these podcasts, instructor of the Writing Center Lori Enns talks to people across the university about their research, writing, teaching (and sometimes personal) lives. The conversations shed light on the differences in writing across the disciplines, as well as the personalities that do this writing. Here are some of the interviews: SSH Writers on […]
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You will spend a day with NU professor to learn more about the field of professor’s study, curriculum, school and the opportunity to ask interesting questions during live streams on August 6th at 4:00 pm on Instagram. Follow the stories and leave your questions in the comments. The first guest is Ulan Bigozhin, Assistant Professor […]
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An interview with Aidyn Zhunuskhanov, a teaching assistant at the Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies of the School of Sciences and Humanities, has been published on the Kursiv media portal. Click the link to read the interview. […]
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Supporting the initiative of home-based education, the Tselinniy Center for Contemporary Culture has initiated a series of podcasts called “Around the bush”. In the first episode of the podcast, historian, assistant professor of the school of sciences and humanities Mikhail Akulov and journalist Arslan Akanov talk about what the Soviet bourgeoisie is and how it […]
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According to Professor Timur Atabaev, the competition is held once a year among student organisations affiliated with the American Chemical Society. This year the competition received more than 33 applications from around the world. Students of the Department of Chemistry win this grant for the second year in a row. As part of the grant, a […]
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The winners of the literary contest “Altyn Kalam” for 2020 named, reports. The nominees and winners of the contest were determined based on a study conducted by the organizers of the Altyn Kalam among experts in the field of literature, business and science, who evaluated the development of modern Kazakhstani literature, gave their opinion […]
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