Research Groups


SESBL research area is at the interface of analytical chemistry, physics (plasmonic) and biology. We explore surface enhances spectroscopies such as Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) and Surface Enhanced Fluorescence (SEF) in sensing applications, including detection of biomarkers. There are serval directions of research: SERS sandwich immunoassays of biomarkers on non traditional substrates, SEF of cells modified with quantum dots on various substrates, detection of high protein content in urine by SERS and Raman spectroscopy as well as study of SERS fundamentals: relationship between enhancement and structure of nanoaggregates. We got experience not only in publishing papers based on our own experimental results but also in writing and publishing review papers on topics related to analytical chemistry in such journals as Talanta, Sensing and Biosensing research, Analytical Methods. Our group currently includes 2 - 3 Research assistants , one master degree student, who started to work in the group as undergraduate  2nd year student and who already co-authored 5 paper, including 3 Q1 papers, and several undergraduate students.



  1. High Contrast Surface Enhanced Fluorescence of Carbon Dot Labeled Bacteria Cells on Aluminum Foil

Bukasov, R.Kunushpayeva, Z.Rapikov, A., ...Sultangaziyev, A.Filchakova, O.

Journal of Fluorescence, 2020, 30(6), pp. 1477-1482

  1. Sandwich SERS immunoassay of human immunoglobulin on silicon wafer compared to traditional SERS substrate, gold film

Kunushpayeva, Z.Rapikov, A.Akhmetova, A., .Sultangaziyev, A.,.Dossym, D.Bukasov, R.

Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 2020, 29, 100355

  1. Development and validation of hybrid Brillouin-Raman spectroscopy for non-contact assessment of mechano-chemical properties of urine proteins as biomarkers of kidney diseases

Gaipov, A.Utegulov, Z.Bukasov, R., ...Kunushpayeva, Z.Sultangaziyev, A.

BMC Nephrology, 2020, 21(1), 229

  1. Aluminum foil as a substrate for metal enhanced fluorescence of bacteria labelled with quantum dots, shows very large enhancement and high contrast

Sultangaziyev, A.Akhmetova, A.Kunushpayeva, Z., ...Filchakova, O.Bukasov, R.

Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 2020, 28, 100332

  1. Review: Detection and quantification of proteins in human urine

Aitekenov, S.Gaipov, A.Bukasov, R. Talanta, 2020, 121718 ; Talanta IF > 5

  1. Review: Applications of surface-enhanced fluorescence (SEF) spectroscopy in bio-adetection and biosensing

Sultangaziyev, A.,  Bukasov, R.,  Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research,

Volume 30, December 2020,

  1. Detection of RNA viruses from influenza and HIV to Ebola and SARS-CoV-2: a review

Bukasov, R., Dossym, D., Filchakova O. Analytical Methods 2021;13(1):34-55.

doi: 10.1039/d0ay01886d.


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