Department of Economics

Recent Journal Articles

  1. Vladyslav Nora, Eyal Winter. Exploiting Social Influence in Networks. Theoretical Economics (19), 2024.
  2. Dana Bazarkulova, Janice Compton and Iqbal Hossain. The impact of the Nepalese Civil War on Female Labor Force Participation and Intimate Partner Violence. Feminist Economics (forthcoming), 2024.
  3. Levent Kockesen, Skander Esseghaier, Ahmed Timoumi. Should the fox guard the henhouse? Category captainship arrangement as a strategic information transmission mechanism. Production and Operations Management, 2023.
  4. Levent Kockesen, Willi Semmler, Gabriel Rosario. Liquidity and Business Cycles—With Occasional Disruptions. Econometrics, 2023.
  5. Ahmet Altinok. Group Lending, Sorting, and Risk Sharing. Games and Economic Behavior (140), 2023.
  6. Julio Dávila. Bequests or education. Economic Theory (75), 2023.
  7. Dina Azhgaliyeva, Zhanna Kapsalyamova. Policy support in promoting green bonds in Asia: empirical evidence. Climate Policy (23), 2023.
  8. Vladyslav Nora, Irina Kirysheva. Inefficient Screening in Online Rental Markets. Journal of Industrial Economics (70), 2022.
  9. Vladyslav Nora, In Kyung Kim. Buyer Power and Information Sharing. Seoul Journal of Economics (35), 2022.
  10. Andrey Tkachenko, Y. Rodionova, J. Nemec, A. Yakovlev. Informal practices and efficiency in public procurement. Public Money & Management, 2022.
  11. Emre Ozdenoren, Oleg Rubanov. Profit Sharing and Incentives. International Journal of Industrial Organization (83), 2022.
  12. D. Azhgaliyeva, Z. Kapsalyamova, R. Mishra. Oil price shocks and green bonds: An empirical evidence. Energy Economics (112), 2022.
  13. Maxim Goryunov, Alexandros Rigos. Discontinuous and continuous stochastic choice and coordination in the lab. Journal of Economic Theory (206), 2022.
  14. Maxim Goryunov, Sergey Kokovin and T. Tabuchi. Continuous Spatial Monopolistic Competition: Matching Goods with Consumers. Economic Theory (74), 2022.
  15. Yuliya Rodionova, Olga Balaeva, Andrei Yakovlev, Andrey Tkachenko. Public procurement efficiency as perceived by market participants: The case of Russia. International Journal of Public Administration (45), 2022.
  16. Dana Bazarkulova, Janice Compton. Marriage traditions and investment in education: the effect of bride kidnapping. Journal of Comparative Economics (49), 2021.
  17. Dana Bazarkulova, Janice Compton. Gender differences in self-reported stress and health behaviors of doctors in Kazakhstan during COVID-19. Feminist Economics (27), 2021.
  18. Julio Dávila. Property Rights and Long-run Capital. Journal of Public Economic Theory (23), 2021.
  19. Julio Dávila, T. Dao, A. Greulich. The Education Gender Gap and the Demographic Transition in Developing Countries. Journal of Population Economics (34), 2021.
  20. D. Azhgaliyeva, R. Mishra, K. Karymshakov, A. Kerimray, Z. Kapsalyamova. What determines coal consumption for residential heating in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic? Australasian Journal of Environmental Management (28), 2021.
  21. Z. Kapsalyamova, R Mishra, A Kerimray, K Karymshakov, D Azhgaliyeva. Why energy access is not enough for choosing clean cooking fuels? Evidence from the multinomial logit model. Journal of Environmental Management (290), 2021.
  22. D. Assanov, A. Kerimray, B. Batkeyev, Z. Kapsalyamova. The effects of COVID-19-related driving restrictions on air quality in an industrial city. AAGR Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2021.
  23. Christian Ahlin, In Kyung Kim, Kyoo il Kim. Who commits fraud? Evidence from Korean gas stations. International Journal of Industrial Organization (76), 2021.
  24. Vladyslav Nora, In Kyung Kim. Does vertical integration enhance non-price efficiency? Evidence from the movie theater industry. Review of Economic Design (24), 2020.
  25. Z. Kapsalyamova, S. Paltsev. Use of natural gas and oil as a source of feedstocks. Energy Economics (92), 2020.
  26. In Kyung Kim. Movie variety and the city. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (20), 2020.
  27. In Kyung Kim, Yoon-Jin Lee and Young-Ro Yoon. Floating population and demand for movie theaters in metropolitan cities. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics (61), 2020.
  28. Levent Kockesen, Seda Ertac, Mert Gumren. Strategic Feedback in Teams: Theory and Experimental Evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019.
  29. Anurag N. Banerjee, Sarit Markovich, Giulio Seccia. The endgame. Games and Economic Behavior (118), 2019.
  30. In Kyung Kim, Jozef Konings. Wage inequality and establishment heterogeneity. Japan and the World Economy (50), 2019.
  31. Xiaoyong Cao, Guofu Tan, Guoqiang Tian, Okan Yilankaya. Equilibria in second-price auctions with private participation costs. Economic Theory, 2018.
  32. In Kyung Kim, Babur I. De los Santos and Dmitry Lubensky. Do MSRPs decrease prices? International Journal of Industrial Organization (59), 2018.
  33. Gorkem Celik, Okan Yilankaya. Resale in second-price auctions with costly participation. International Journal of Industrial Organization (54), 2017.

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