Department of Economics

Here is a compilation of academic seminars hosted by the Economics department over the years.

Feb 2 Anastasiia Suvorova (Western Ontario) (Mis)perceptions about Children
Jan 31 Siddhant Agarwal (Northwestern University) Workhour Normality and Gender Gaps: Evidence from Brazilian Exporters
Jan 26 Tsuyoshi Nakano (UNC-Chapel Hill) International Peers in Higher Education and Domestic Students’ Outcomes
Jan 24 Raghav Rakesh (Michigan State) Currency Competition as a Discipline Device for the Government
Jan 19 Katsuhiko Nishiyama (UNC-Chapel Hill) Medical debt, Self-Insurance, and the Value of Health Insurance for the Non-Elderly
Jan 17 Alessandro Sovera (Charles University) Decoding Local Public Finance: The interplay of the Legislature and the Executive
Jan 15 Nino Buliskeria (Charles University) Disentangling p-Hacking and Publication Bias
Jan 12 Mehmet T. Demir (Arizona State) Taxes, Regulations and Business Structure in the US
Jan 11 Ali Elminejad (Charles University) Macroprudential Intervention and (Un)employed Households
Dec 1 Alessandro Citanna (NYU Abu Dhabi) Naive stochastic present bias and credit
Nov 29 Andrea Mattozzi (University of Bologna) Fact-checking Politicians
Nov 27 Jordan Roulleau-Pasdeloup (National University of Singapore) Endogenous persistence at the lower bound
Nov 10 Andrea Tesei (Queen Mary University of London) The International Transmission of Democratic Values: Evidence from the Africa Diaspora to Europe
Nov 3 Piero Gottardi (University of Essex) Sorting versus Screening in Decentralized Markets with Adverse Selection
Oct 20 Giovanni Pica (Università della Svizzera italiana) A peer like me? Early exposure to high achievers in math and later educational outcomes
Sep 8 Allan Hernandez Chanto (University of Queensland) Competing Sellers in Security-Bid Auctions under Risk-Averse Bidders
Sep 8 Ahmet Altınok (Nazarbayev) Designing the Menu of Licenses for Foster Care
Aug 24 Selva Demiralp (Koç) Do Financial Markets Respond to Populist Rhetoric?
Jan 17 Aleksei Chernulich (NYU Abu Dhabi) Endogenous Tracking: Sorting and Peer Effects
Jan 20 Nurfatima Jandarova (Minnesota) Does Intelligence Shield Children from the Effects of Parental Unemployment?
Jan 23 Hanno Kase (EUI) Estimating Nonlinear Heterogeneous Agents Models with Neural Networks
Jan 25 Anna Pestova (CERGE-EI) Bank Credit and the Risk of Recession: The Role of Business Cycle Shocks
Jan 26 Morteza Ghomi (Universidad Carlos III) Monetary policy, Economic Uncertainty, and Firms R&D Expenditure
Feb 1 Siyu Shi (Arizona State) Technology Usage and Life-cycle Earnings
Feb 13 Alessandro Topetta (UCL) Skill Formation with Siblings
Feb 13 Mikhail Mamonov (CERGE-EI) “Crime and Punishment”? How Banks Anticipate and Propagate Global Financial Sanctions
Oct 17 Natalia Kovrijnykh (Arizona State) Building Credit Histories
Sep 21 Alessandro Citanna (NYU Abu Dhabi) Do Taxspots Matter?
Apr 27 Nuno Coimbra (Banque de France) Financial Cycles with Heterogeneous Intermediaries
Apr 15 Hosny Zoabi (NES) Does Paternity Leave Promote Gender Equality within Household?
Apr 12 Gerhard Toews (NES) I’ll pay you later: Relational contracts in the oil industry?
Apr 8 Sultan Mehmood (NES) Training Policymakers in Econometrics
Feb 24 Ozgun Ekici (Ozyegin) Pair-efficient Reallocation of Indivisible Objects
Mar 1 Adam Blandin (Virginia Commonwealth) Work from Home Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak
Feb 24 Juan D. Moreno (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) Sharing the Revenues from Broadcasting Sport Events
Feb 4 Rajarshi Bhowali (Rice) Reallocating Bonus Payments Through Competition to Improve Medicare Advantage Plan Quality: A Dynamic Game Approach
Feb 2 Kanat Abdulla (NU) Productivity gains from reallocation of talent in Brazil and India
Jan 31 Andrea Salvati (Rice) Tailoring Instruction to Students’ Knowledge: Teacher Rewards, Peer Spillovers, and The Impact of Ability Tracking on Student Achievement
Jan 28 Andrey Tkachenko (Bocconi) Competitive effects of vertical integration in auctions
Jan 26 Nino Doghonadze (Penn State) Depth vs. Breadth: Field Specialization in High School
Jan 24 Emrehan Aktug (UT Austin) Macroeconomic Asymmetries and the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles
Jan 20 Nitin-Kumar Bharti (PSE) The Early Origins of Judicial Stringency in Bail Decisions: Evidence from early-childhood Exposure to Hindu-Muslim Riots in India
Jan 19 Haikun Zhan (Melbourne) Central Administration and the Rise of Local Institutions: Evidence from Imperial China
Jan 25 Josef Ruzicka (Carlos III) Smooth Quantile Projections
Jan 27 Jaeheon Jung (Rutgers) Estimating a Large Covariance Matrix in Time-varying Factor Models
Feb 1 Gorkem Bostanci (Pennsylvania) Productivity Gains from Labor Outsourcing: The Role of Trade Secrets
Sep 9 Diana E. Macdonald (Banco de Mexico) The Effect of Paying Parents to Adopt: Evidence from Minnesota’s Foster-Care
Oct 19 Aigerim Sarsenbayeva (Nazarbayev) The Effect of the Social Health Insurance Reform: The Karaganda Natural Experiment
Nov 12 Salvatore Nunnari (Southern California) Cognitive Imprecision and Strategic Behavior
Jan 27 Alexey Gorn (Cambridge-INET) Assessing the (De) Stabilizing Effects of Unemployment Benefit Extensions
Jan 28 Alexander Usvitskiy (Florida State) Strategic Risk-taking in Dynamic Contests
Jan 29 Ahmet Altinok (Arizona State) Dynamic Many-to-One Matching
Feb 3 Nicolas Aragon (Carlos III) Capital Controls and Misallocation
Feb 4 Aruni Mitra (UBC) The Productivity Puzzle and the Decline of Unions
Feb 5 Sounak Thakur (Washington University in St. Louis) Family Law, Marriage and Household Decisions
Feb 7 Nazim Tamkoç (Arizona State) Production Complexity, Talent Misallocation and Development
Feb 10 Mehmet Burak Turgut (Bocconi) Fiscal News, Imperfect Information and Confidence
Feb 11 Duman Bahrami-Rad (Harvard) Keeping It in the Family: Female Inheritance, Inmarriage, and the Status of Women
Oct 23 Tim Lee (Queen Mary) Labor Reallocation and Wage Growth: Evidence from East Germany
Sep 26 Pierpaolo Baattigalli (Bocconi) Learning and Selfconfirming Equilibria in Network Games
Sep 20 Andrea Pozzi (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) The Cost of Steering in Financial Markets: Evidence from the Mortgage Market
Sep 5 Raushan Bokusheva (ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management Institute of Natural Resource Sciences) Weather-based index insurance: An effective instrument for risk reduction in arid and semi-arid agriculture? (Lessons from empirical research for Kazakhstan)
Aug 23 Karlygash Kuralbayeva (King’s College London) To build or not to build? Capital stocks and climate policy
Apr 24 Hailey Hayeon Joo (Sogang U) Diffusion of E-Commerce and Retail Job Apocalypse: Evidence from Credit Card Data on Online Spending
Apr 19 Minsoo Park (SKKU) Zero-Pricing in Bundle Offers: Does It Reinforce or Weaken Anti-Competitive Effects?
Apr 16 Sophie Bade (Royal Holloway College) Cooperative Implementation
Mar 5 Eyal Winter (Hebrew) Raising Capital from Heterogeneous Investors
Feb 22 Lara Cockx (KU Leuven) Migration and children’s health and education
Feb 18 Alejandro Melo Ponce (Stony Brook) The Secret Behind the Tortoise and the Hare
Feb 14 Mikhail Freer (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) Revealed Social Preferences
Feb 2 Kirill Shakhnov (The Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance) Limited Participation and Local Currency Sovereign Debt
Feb 1 Yaser Sattari (Simon Fraser) Misallocation, Selection, and Aggregate Productivity: The Role of Endogenous Exit
Jan 25 Safoura Moeeni (Calgary) Family Income and Children’s Education: Evidence from Targeted Economic Sanctions
Jan 22 Oleg Rubanov (Bonn) Profit Sharing and Incentives
Dec 5 Dariya Ainekova (Memphis) Do Labor Market Payoffs Motivate Employees To Work harder?
Dec 7 Kohei Kawaguchi (Hong Kong U of Science and Technology) When Will Workers Follow an Algorithm? A Field Experiment with a Retail Business
Nov 16 Sergey Kokovin (HSE) Big and Small Firms Together in Monopolistic Competition
Nov 5 Alexey Kushnir (Carnegie Mellon) Optimal Income Taxation with Endogenous Prices
Sep 14 Bjarne S. Jensen (Southern Denmark) Optimal Growth – Optimal Control – Ramsey Saving
Sep 7 Shintaro Yamaguchi (Tokyo) Effects of Early Childhood Education on Adolescent Behavioral Outcomes
Sep 4 Konstantin Kucheryavyy (Tokyo) A Unified Model of International Business Cycles and Trade
Aug 31 Alp Atakan (Queen Mary) Price Discovery with Costly Competitive Bidding
Aug 24 Chris Ahlin (Michigan State) Making Gini Conditional: A Regression-Based Tool for Understanding Inequality
Aug 22 Jihong Lee (Seoul National) Tax and Welfare in Dynamic Monopoly
May 11 Alexander Matros (South Carolina) Competition for Local Public Good Provision
Apr 27 Evgeny Yakovlev (New Economic School) Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Sizable Conditional Child Subsidy
Apr 20 Xavier Mateos Planas (Queen Mary) Partial Default
Feb 1 Sie Won Kim (Washington U in St. Louis) The Effect of Promoting Access to Community Colleges on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes
Jan 26 Maxim Goryunov (EUI) Sorting with Random Search When Firms Have Size
Jan 22 Pavel Krivenko (Stanford) Unemployment and the U.S. Housing Market during the Great Recession
Nov 10 Levent Kockesen (Koc) Optimal Delegation of Sequential Decisions: The Role of Communication and Reputation
Nov 2 Fernando Vega Redondo (Bocconi) Contagious unreliability and complexity traps in economic development
Oct 13 Francis Bloch (PSE) Farsighted Stability with Heterogeneous Expectations
Oct 6 Ronald Oaxaca (Arizona) Gender Wage Gaps and Risky vs. Secure Employment: An Experimental Analysis
Oct 4 Ricard Gil (JHU) Preemptive Entry and Technology Diffusion in the Market for Drive-in Theaters
Sep 22 Hiroshi Uno (Osaka) Hierarchical adaptations
Sep 1 Julio Davila (CORE) The Effects of Private Capital Falling into the Public Domain
Aug 30 Glenn Magerman (ECARES) The Origins of Firm Heterogeneity: A Production Network Approach
Jul 7 Masaru Inaba (Kansai) Regional Business Cycle and Growth Features of Japan
May 15 Antonio Guarino (UCL) Updating Ambiguous Beliefs in a Social Learning Experiment
May 12 Mario Forni (Modena) News, Uncertainty and Economic Fluctuations
Apr 28 Gianluca Benigno (LSE) Stagnation Traps
Apr 24 Davide La Torre (Nazarbayev) Self-similar measures in multi-sector stochastic endogenous growth models
Apr 21 Xavier Mateos Planas (Queen Mary) The Role of Trade Credit Default in Business Fluctuations
Mar 7 James R Walker (UW Madison) The Role of Slavery in the Economic Development of the United States
Feb 20 Kazuhiro Hara (NYU) Coalitional Strategic Games
Feb 15 Alexander Rodivilov (Washington) Experimentation, Private Observability of Success, and the Timing of Monitoring
Feb 8 Ivan Guillermo Lopez Cruz (Indiana) Criminal Recruitment or Victimization: The Effects of the Mexican Drug War on Education
Feb 3 Bulat Gafarov (Penn State) Inference on Scalar Parameters in Set-Identified Affine Moments
Feb 2 Luca Sala (Bocconi) Reassessing Structural VARs: Beyond the ABC’s (and D’s)
Feb 1 Jan Klingelhoefer (Aachen) Relations between China and the US – a Game Theoretic Approach
Sep 14 John Kennan (UWM) Open Borders in the European Union and Beyond: Migration Flows and Labor Market Implications
May 18 Jan Eeckhout (Pompeu Fabra, UCL) Stochastic search
May 17 Shlomo Weber (NES) Measurement of diversity
May 13 Andriy Zapechelnyuk (Glasgow) Robust Sequential Search
Mar 31 Joep Konings (KUL) International Shocks and Domestic Prices: How Large Are Strategic Complementarities?
Feb 29 Murat Mankin (South Florida) Bayesian Analysis of the Roy Model with Count Outcomes: Finite Mixture Approach
Feb 25 Pedro Pereira (CEFAGE-UE) Evaluating Partial Divestitures when Vertical Relations are Important
Feb 19 Yuanyuan Deng (Stony Brook) How Labor Force Participation and Health Insurance Coverage Affect Medicare Costs
Feb 15 Qiaoxi Zhang (Caltech) Vagueness in Multi-Issue Proposals
Feb 12 Alexander Nesterov (Humboldt) School Choice With Advice: The Adaptive Acceptance Rule
Feb 08 Wiroy Shin (Penn State) Discrimination in Organizations: Optimal Contracts and Regulation
Feb 05 Mario Alloza (UCL) The Impact of Taxes on Income Mobility
Jan 24 Oleg Rubanov (LBS) Asymptotic Full Revelation in Cheap Talk with a Large Number of Senders
Dec 7 Okan Yilankava (Koc) Resale in Second-Price Auctions with Costly Participation
Nov 30 Pavlo Prokopovych (KSE) On Strategic Complementarities in Discontinuous Games
Nov 2 Árpád Ábrahám (EUI) The Effects of Moral Hazard on Wage Inequality in a Frictional Labor Market

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