Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature

What gets left of a man amounts

to a part. To his spoken part. To a part of speech.

-Joseph Brodsky

The degree program in Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures offers a flexible and applied degree that is designed to train the next generation of language and literature specialists, as well as provide a solid generalist degree to prepare students in a variety of professions including translators, language teaching, museum work, library, non-government organization, and government positions. It also provides excellent training for future graduate study. Students completing a degree in World Languages and Literature may choose to specialize in one particular area or language, including Spanish, French, and others.

Download Degree Requirements for Major/Minor in the Department of Languages, Linguistics, and Literatures (called WLLC on your transcripts) for students who entered after 2017/2018. 

Download Degree Audit Forms for Major/Minor.


Declaring a Major at the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literatures

Students (either in their 1st or 2nd year) wishing to declare a major or wishing to transfer to a major in the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literatures need to have completed at least one WLL or LING course with a grade of  “C” or higher. Grades in foreign language courses at the beginner level (101) do not satisfy this requirement.

3rd year students would be accepted into the major on a case by case basis, conditional on an audit of their path towards graduation.

Students who have already declared a major at the Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literature are expected to register for classes that will ensure they are making adequate degree progress. Students should enroll in a minimum of  6 ECTS (1 course) of either WLL or LING courses each semester.

Students are recommended to contact their major adviser for assistance in choosing appropriate classes.


Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literatures Policy on Foreign Language courses

Students may take no more than one elementary level (101 and 102) language per academic year. Students who enroll in elementary language classes are expected to continue with the intermediate level classes (201 and 202) where possible. Students who do not enroll in the intermediate courses will be barred from enrolling in other elementary-level language courses.

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