Department of Physics

Program overview

Nazarbayev University Physics program is designed utilizing the recommendations and guidelines by relevant professional organizations such as the American Physics Society (APS), the UK Institute of Physics (IoP), the ABET Accreditation and several universities’ physics departments, and submitted for quality review and approval by the SSH Curriculum Committee. The program structure is in compliance with the general criteria as established under the European Consortium for Accreditation guidelines (otherwise known as the “Bologna Accords”), adopted by the Republic of Kazakhstan, where students are required to spend between 1500-1800 hour workload per academic year.

Student Outcomes:
1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve broadly-defined technical or scientific problems by applying knowledge of mathematics and fundamental laws of physics to describe the physical world.
2. An ability to formulate a physical process, procedure or program to meet desired needs.
3. An ability to develop and conduct physical experiments or test hypotheses, analyze and interpret data and use scientific judgment to draw conclusions.
4. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
5. An ability to understand ethical and professional responsibilities and the impact of physical solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
6. An ability to function effectively on teams that establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, and analyze risk and uncertainty. 


Bachelor of Science in Physics Program Outline

Download Program Outline here

Enrollment statistics

Year Number of students
2012 4
2013 16
2014 11
2015 10
2016 18
2017 9
2018 15
2019 24
2020 24
2021 13
2022 16


Degree statistics

Year Number of students
2017 10
2018 5
2019 5
2020 7
2021 9
2022 6
2023 11


Admission statistics

Year Number of students
2017 4
2018 4
2019 7
2020 16
2021 8
2022 11
2023 13

Director of Undergraduate Program: Daniele Malafarina

2021 © School of Sciences and Humanities