The Department of Chemistry has 3 main research directions:
The following diagram is the current research chemistry fields based on the department’s faculty profile
To get further details of the individual Chemistry faculty field of specialization, please click here.The Chemistry faculty have publications together with other scientist around the world as seen in this network map
The total number of peer-reviewed articles published in Q1 and Q1 journals is shown below
To get the full list of publications please click here.The Chemistry faculty acquired grants from internal and external sources
To get the full list of grants please click here.There are currently 6 Research groups at the Chemistry department
1. Paunov Research Group (Group Leader: Prof. Vesselin Paunov)
2. Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis (Group Leader: Dr. Andrey Khalimon)
3. Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy & Biodetection Lab (Group Leader: Dr. Rostislav Bukasov)
4. Laboratory of Functional Materials and Computational Chemistry (Group Leader: Dr. Mannix Balanay)
5. SEB Group (Group Leader: Dr. Vsevolod Peshkov)
6. Laboratory of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease (Group Leader: Dr. Darkhan Utepbergenov)
For further details regarding the Chemistry Department, in general, please click here.Mathematics Department 2021 Research Outputs
Papers in Q1 journals (according to Scopus)- Nikoulina, V., Tezekbayev, M., Kozhakhmet, N., Babazhanova, M., Gallé, M. and Assylbekov, Z., 2021. The rediscovery hypothesis: Language models need to meet linguistics. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 72, pp.1343-1384.
- A. Tesfahun. Time-decay estimates for the linearized water wave type equations. Journal of Evolution Equations (2022),
- Kashkynbayev, A., Cao, J., Suragan, D., Global Lagrange stability analysis of retarded SICNNs, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2021, 145, 110819.
- Kashkynbayev, A., Rihan, F.A., Dynamics of fractional-order epidemic models with general nonlinear incidence rate and time-delay, Mathematics, 2021, 9(15), 1829.
- Kadyrov, S., Kashkynbayev, A., Skrzypacz, P., Kaloudis, K., Bountis, A., Periodic solutions and the avoidance of pull-in instability in nonautonomous microelectromechanical systems, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2021, 44(18), pp. 14556–14568.
- D. O. Da Silva, A.J. Castro, Global well-posedness for the nonlinear wave equation in analytic Gevrey spaces, J. Differ. Equ. 275 (2021), 234-249.
- A.J. Castro, A. Israelsson, W. Staubach, Regularity of Fourier integral operators with amplitudes in general Hörmander classes, Anal. Math. Phys. 11 (2021), 1-54.
- J.J. Betancor, A.J. Castro, M. De León-Contreras, Variation operators for semigroups associated with Fourier-Bessel expansions, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 21 (2022), 239-273.
- Benekas, V., Garab, A., Kashkynbayev, A., Stavroulakis, I.P., Oscillation criteria for linear difference equations with several variable delays, Opuscula Mathematica, 2021, 41(5), pp. 613–627
- Rakhimzhanova, A., Thornton, C., Amanbek, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2022). Numerical simulations of sand production in oil wells using the CFD-DEM-IBM approach. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208, 109529.
- Merembayev, T., Kurmangaliyev, D., Bekbauov, B., & Amanbek, Y. (2021). A Comparison of machine learning algorithms in predicting lithofacies: Case studies from Norway and Kazakhstan. Energies, 14(7), 1896.
- Kamashev, A., & Amanbek, Y. (2021). Reservoir Simulation of CO2 Storage Using Compositional Flow Model for Geological Formations in Frio Field and Precaspian Basin. Energies, 14(23), 8023.
- Afzal, M. Shafique, S. & Wahab, A. (2021). Analysis of traveling waveform of flexible waveguides containing absorbent material along flanged junctions. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 97, 105737.
- Wahab, A., Khan, S., Khan, F.Z. (2021). Comments on ‘’Design of momentum fractional LMS for Hammerstein nonlinear system identification with application to electrically stimulated muscle model”. The European Physical Journal Plus, 136, 1004.
- Usman, M., Khan, S., Park, S., Wahab, A. (2022). AFP-SRC: Identification of antifreeze proteins using sparse representation classifier. Neural Computing and Applications, 34(3), 2275-2285.
- Park, S., Lee, J., Khan, S., Wahab, A., Kim, M. (2022). Machine learning-based heavy metal ion detection using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, Sensors, 22(2), 596.
- Afzal, M., Satti, J.U., Wahab, A., Nawaz, R. (2022). Scattering analysis of a partitioned membrane-bounded cavity with material contrast, Journal of of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(1), 31.
- A. Esfahani, H. Wang, On the sharp local well-posedness for the modified Ostrovsky, Stepanyams and Tsimring equation, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA 60 (2021) 103288.
- E. Lee, Integrability of the multi-species TASEP with species-dependent rates, Symmetry, 13 (9), 1578, (2021).
- D. Suragan (PI), Nazarbayev University program 091019CRP2120 for 2020-2022. “Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Mathematics”
- D. Suragan (PI), Nazarbayev University grant 240919FD3901 for 2020-2022. “Subelliptic geometric Hardy type inequalities”
- Y. Amanbek (PI), “Effect of Flow through Porous Media on Sanding Phenomena in Poorly Consolidated Reservoirs”, Young Researcher Grant of the Minister of Education and Science of the Kazakhstan, 2020-22, ₸75M
- D. Wei (Co-PI) with Christa Spitas (PI) et al, Rapid response fixed astronomical telescope for gamma ray bust observation, Collaborative Research Grants Program 2020-2022, Nazarbayev University.
- Ugurlu, K (PI), 2020-2022 NU Faculty Development Competitive Research Grants Program, Id. Num.:080420FD1907, Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan).Project Title:Robust Methods in Financial Mathematics and Stochastic Control. $99,900.
- B. Shupeyeva (PI), MES Grant for Young Researchers 2020-2022, “Mathematical models for Glioblastoma proliferation”, AP08052345, ₸25M
- F. Sica (PI) Nazarbayev University grant 021220FD4151 for 2021-23: “Some mathematical challenges in public-key cryptography”.
- A. Kashkynbayev (PI) Nazarbayev University Collaborative Research Program Grant No 11022021CRP1509 for 2022-2024: “Synchronization analysis of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks”.
- A. Kashkynbayev (co-PI) with M. Sadybekov (PI), MES Collaborative Research Program Grant No OR11466188 for 2021-2022: “Dynamical Analysis and Synchronization of Complex Neural Networks with Its Applications”.
- A. Kashkynbayev (co-PI) with A. Gaipov (PI), MES Grant No AP09259016 for 2021-2023: “Epidemiology and Forecasting of Infectious Diseases in Kazakhstan Using Big Healthcare Data, Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning”.
- A. J. Castro (PI), 2022-2024 NU Faculty Development Competitive Research Grants Program (Id. Num.: 11022021FD292): “Oscillatory Integrals and Partial Differential Equations”. $149,922.
- M.Mustafa(PI), Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program 2021-2023, “Theory of Computable Numberings and Reverse Mathematics”, N021220FD3851, $149,685.
- M.Mustafa(co-PI) with Ikechi Ukaegbu ,NU Collaborative Research Program for 2022-2024,”Development of AI-integrated Randomly Hopped LFM Photonic RADAR for Mitigating Interferences and Attackers in Autonomous Vehicles”
- M.Mustafa(co-PI) with N.Nuraje, Faculty-development competitive research grants program for 2020-2022.
- Zh. Assylbekov (PI), M. Lukac (Co-PI), B. Medetov (Co-PI), Future Economy Program Targeted Funding, 2021—2023, “Development of hardware and software complex based on neural networks for cracking the cryptographic systems”, ₸1B.
- Zh. Assylbekov (PI), NU Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program 2020-2022, Hyperbolic Geometry of Word Vectors, $75K
- Zh. Assylbekov (PI), NU Collaborative Research Program for 2020-2022, Probabilistic analysis of word and sentence embeddings with applications to Kazakh language processing, $162K
- Zh. Assylbekov (Co-PI), NU Collaborative Research Program for 2021-2023, Multimedia Corpus of Modern Spoken Kazakh Language, $212K
- A. Wahab (PI), Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program 2022-2024, “Properties and applications of elastic scattering coefficients”, Grant No. 11022021FD2914, $135,263.
- E. Lee (PI), NU Faculty Development Competitive Research Grant Program 2021-2023, Interacting Particle Systems: Exact Formulas, Asymptotics, and Applications in Epidemics.
- E. Lee (Co-PI), NU Collaborative Research Program for 2022-2024, Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) with local site effects for existing and new structures in Kazakhstan
- Zhumekenov, A., Takhanov, R., Castro, A.J. and Assylbekov, Z., 2021. Approximation error of Fourier neural networks. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining: The ASA Data Science Journal, 14(3), pp.258-270. (Q2)
- Li, C., Cao, J., Kashkynbayev, A., Synchronization in Quaternion-Valued Neural Networks with Delay and Stochastic Impulses, Neural Processing Letters, 2021 (Q2)
- Gaipov, A., Gusmanov, A., Abbay, A., Sakko, Y., Issanov, A., Kadyrzhanuly, K., Yermakhanova, Z., Aliyeva, L., Kashkynbayev, A., Moldaliyev, I., Crape, B., Sarria-Santamera, A., SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive and PCR-negative cases of pneumonia admitted to the hospital during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of in-hospital and post-hospital mortality, BMC Infectious Diseases, 2021, 21(1), 458. (Q2)
- Kurmanbek, B., Erlangga, Y., & Amanbek, Y. (2021). Explicit inverse of near Toeplitz pentadiagonal matrices related to higher order difference operators. Results in Applied Mathematics, 11, 100164. (Q2)
- Kurmanbek, B., Erlangga, Y., & Amanbek, Y. (2022). Inverse properties of a class of seven-diagonal (near) Toeplitz matrices. Special Matrices, 10(1), 67-86. (Q2)
- Badaev, S.A., Kalmurzaev, B.S., Mukash, N. et al. One-Element Rogers Semilattices in the Ershov Hierarchy. Algebra Logic 60, 284–287 (2021). (Q3)
- Bazhenov. N, M.Mustafa, Zh. Tleuliyeva. Elementary theories of rogers semilattices in the analytical hierarchy. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42, 701–708 (2021).
- M.Mustafa, D.Suragan. Hardy type inequalities for quaternion-valued functions. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports, V18,N1. page 338-344 (2021) DOI 10.33048/semi.2021.18.023.(Q3)
- Ismailov, N., Kaygorodov, I. & Mustafa, M. The algebraic and geometric classification of nilpotent right alternative algebras. Period Math Hung 84, 18–30 (2022).
- Bazhenov, N.A., Mustafa, M. & Ospichev, S.S. On Universal Pairs in the Ershov Hierarchy. Siberian Mathematical Journal, volume 62, 23–31 (2021).
- Liu, H., Tsui, W.Y., Wahab, A., Wang, X. (2021). Three-dimensional elastic scattering coefficients and enhancement of the elastic near cloaking. Journal of Elasticity, 143, 111-146. (Q2)
- Nawaz, T., Afzal, M., Wahab, A. (2021). Scattering analysis of a flexible trifurcated lined waveguide structure with step-discontinuities. Physica Scripta, 96(11), 115004. (Q2)
- Park, S., Lee, J., Khan, S., Wahab, A., Lim, M. (2021). SERSNet: Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy based bio-molecule detection using deep neural network. Biosensors, 11(12), 490. (Q2).
- T. T. Dufera, S. Mebrate and A. Tesfahun: On the persistence of spatial analyticity for the Beam Equation. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2022, 509(2), 126001 (Q2).
- B. Belayneh, E. Tegegn and A. Tesfahun: Lower bound on the radius of analyticity of solution for fifth order KdV-BBM Equation. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 2022, 29(1), 6 (Q2).
- S. Selberg and A. Tesfahun: Ill-posedness of the Maxwell–Dirac system below charge in space dimension three and lower. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 2021, 28(4), 42 (Q2).
- J-C. Saut, D. Pilod, S. Selberg and A. Tesfahun: Dispersive estimates for full dispersion KP equations. Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2021, 23(1), 25 (Q3).
- Auyespek, T., Mach, T. and Assylbekov, Z., 2021. Hyperbolic Embedding for Finding Syntax in BERT. AIxIA 2021 Discussion Papers, December 1-3, 2021, Online. (rank B)
- Babazhanova, M., Tezekbayev, M. and Assylbekov, Z., 2021. Geometric Probing of Word Vectors. In Proceedings of the 29th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN’2021), pp.587—592, Bruges, Belgium and Online. (rank B)