Javeed Ahwar1
A. Javeed Ahwar
Postdoctoral Fellow
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Javeed Ahwar holds three master degrees; in Politics and Security in Central Asia from the OSCE Academy in Bishkek (2011), in European and International Human Rights Law from Leiden University (2015), and in Cultural Anthropology from Utrecht University (2018). He recently completed his Ph.D. degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Eurasian Studies at Nazarbayev University. He has also participated in Gender Equality Studies Fellowship Program at Iceland University in 2012.


Dr. Ahwar’s research can be described as critical study of elitist politics and historiographies within the overall frame of postcolonial studies with geographic focus on Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. His research so far has mostly focused on comparative study of early modern Uzbek, (Tajiki/Dari) Persian and Pashto literatures. Through his works, he has laid emphasis on the role of language ideology, elitist (dominant group) politics, educational policies and history-writing in transforming national vis-a-vis subnational identities. He has also done fieldwork among Afghanistani diaspora in Hamburg Germany in 2017.