Abdul Wahab
PhD Ecole Polytechnique – ParisTech
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
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Research Interest
Wave propagation and scattering in complex media, Mathematical imaging, Inverse problems, Compressed sensing, Numerical analysis of partial differential equations.
Selected Publications
Courses Offered
Education | Ph.D Applied Mathematics Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, Ecole Polytechnique – ParisTech |
Oct.09 – Nov.11 Palaiseau, France |
M.S. Mathematical Modeling Lab. Jacques Louis Lions, Université Pierre & Marie Curie – PARIS VI |
Sep.08 – Sep.09 Paris, France |
M.Sc. Applied Mathematics Université Pierre & Marie Curie – PARIS VI |
Sep.07 – Aug 08 Paris, France |
M.Sc. Mathematics International Islamic University |
Sep.03 – Dec.05 Islamabad, Pakistan |
B.Sc. Mathematics & Statistics University of the Punjab |
Sep.01 – Aug.03 Lahore, Pakistan |
- H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, H. Kang, H. Lee, and A. Wahab, Mathematical Methods in Elasticity Imaging, Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA, 2015, ISBN:9781400866625.
Book Chapters
- M. Afzal, M. Ayub, R. Nawaz, and A. Wahab, Mode-matching solution of a scattering problem in flexible waveguide with abrupt geometric changes, in Imaging, Multiscale, and High Contrast Partial Differential Equations, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 660, pp. 113–129, American Mathematical Society, Providence, USA, 2016.
- H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, and A. Wahab,Time reversal in attenuating acoustic media, in Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Imaging, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 548, AMS, Providence USA, 2011, pp. 151–163.
- E. Bretin and A. Wahab, Some anisotropic viscoleastic Green function, in Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Imaging, vol. 548, Contemporary Mathematics, AMS, Providence USA, 2011, pp 129–149.
Articles and Proceedings
- M. Afzal, S. Shafique, and A. Wahab, Analysis of traveling waveform of flexible waveguides containing absorbent material along flanged junctions, Communications in Nonlinear Science
and Numerical Simulation, 97:(2021), 105737. - H. Liu, W. Y. Tsui, A. Wahab, and X. Wang, Three-dimensional elastic scattering coefficients and enhancement of the elastic near cloaking, Journal of Elasticity, 143(2021), 111-146.
- S. Khan, A. Wahab, I. Naseem, and M. Moinuddin, Comments on “Design of fractional-order variants of complex LMS and NLMS algorithms for adaptive channel equalization”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 101(2):(2020), pp. 1053-1060.
- J. Yoo, S. Sohail, D. Heo, K. H. Kim, A. Wahab, Y. Choi, S.-I Lee, E. S. Chae, H. H. Kim, Y. M. Bae, Y. Choi, S. Cho, and J. C. Ye, Deep learning diffuse optical tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 39(4):(2020), pp. 877-887.
- A. Wahab and S. Khan, Comments on “Fractional extreme value adaptive training method: Fractional steepest descent approach”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31(3):(2020), pp. 1066-1068.
- J. Yoo, A. Wahab, and J. C. Ye, A Mathematical Framework for Deep Learning in Elastic Source Imaging, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 78(5): (2018), pp. 2791–2818.
- N. Muhammad, N. Bibi, A. Wahab, Z. Mahmood, T. Akram, S. R. Naqvi, S. H. Oh, and D. G. Kim, Imaging de-noising with subband replacement and fusion process using Bayes estimators,
Computers and Electrical Engineering, 70:(2018), pp. 413–427. - T. Abbas, S. Khan, M. Sajid, A. Wahab, abd J. C. Ye, Topological sensitivity based far-field detection of elastic inclusions, Results in Physics, 8(1): (2018), pp. 442–460.
- J. Lim, A. Wahab, G. Park, K. Lee, Y. K. Park, and J. C. Ye, Beyond Born-Rytov limit for super-resolution optical diffraction tomography, Optics Express, 25(24): (2017), pp. 30445-30458.
- A. Rasheed, A. Kausar, A. Wahab, and T. Akbar, Stabilized approximation of steady flow of third grade fluid in presence of partial slip, Results in Physics, 7:(2017), pp. 3181–3189.
- J. Yoo, Y. Jung, M. Lim, J. C. Ye, and A. Wahab, A joint sparse recovery framework for accurate reconstruction of inclusions in elastic media, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 10(3): (2017), pp. 1104–1138.
- T. Abbas, H. Ammari, G. Hu, A. Wahab, and J. C. Ye, Two-dimensional elastic scattering coefficients and enhancement of nearly elastic cloaking, Journal of Elasticity, 28(2): (2017), pp. 203–243.
- A. Wahab, T. Abbas, N. Ahmed, and Q. M. Z. Zia, Detection of electromagnetic inclusions using topological sensitivity, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 35(5): (2017), pp. 642–671.
- A. Rasheed, A. Wahab, S. Q. Shah, and R. Nawaz, Finite difference – finite element approach for solving fractional Oldroyd-B equation, Advances in Difference Equations, 2016: (2016), 236.
- A. Wahab, and R. Nawaz, A note on elastic noise source localization, Journal of Vibration & Control, 22(7):(2016), pp. 1889–1894.
- G. Hu, A. Wahab, and J. C. Ye, Elastic Scattering Coefficients, in Imaging and Applied Optics 2016, OSA Technical Digest (online), Optical Society of America, 2016. doi:10.1364/MATH.2016.MW1G.3, Paper ID: MW1G.3.
- A. Wahab, Stability and resolution analysis of topological derivative based localization of electromagnetic inclusions, SIAM J. Imag. Sci., 8(3):(2015), pp. 687-717.
- A. Wahab, A. Rasheed, R. Nawaz, and N. Javaid, Numerical study of two dimesional unsteady flow of an anomalous Maxwell fluid, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat &
Fluid Flow, 25(5): (2015), pp. 1120–1137. - A. Rasheed, R. Nawaz, S. A. Khan, H. Hanif, and A. Wahab, Numerical study of a thin film flow of fourth grade fluid, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow,
25(4): (2015), pp. 929–940. - A. Rasheed and A. Wahab, Numerical analysis of an isotropic phase field model with magnetic field effect, Comptes Rendus Math ́ematique, 353(3): (2015), pp. 219–224.
- A. Wahab, N. Ahmed, and T. Abbas, Far field imaging of a dielectric inclusion, J. Phy.: Conf. Ser., 657:(2015), 012001.
- A. Wahab, A. Rasheed, R. Nawaz, and S. Anjum, Localization of extended current source with finite frequencies, Comptes Rendus Math ́ematique, 352(11): (2014), pp. 917-921.
- A. Wahab, A. Rasheed, T. Hayat and R. Nawaz, Electromagnetic time reversal algorithms and source localization in lossy dielectric media, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 62(6):(2014),
pp. 779–789. - R. Nawaz, A. Wahab, and A. Rasheed, An intermediate range solution to a diffraction problem with impedance conditions, Journal of Modern Optics, 61(16): (2014), pp. 1324–1332.
- M. Afzal, R. Nawaz, M. Ayub, and A. Wahab, Acoustic scattering in flexible waveguide involving step discontinuity, PLOS One, 9(8): (2014), e103807.
- H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, H. Kang, W. Jing, and A. Wahab, Localization, stability and resolution of topological derivative based imaging functionals in elasticity, SIAM J. Imag. Sci.,
6(4): (2013), pp. 2174–2214. - H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, and A. Wahab, Time reversal algorithms in viscoelastic media, European J. App. Math., 24(4):(2013), pp. 565–600.
- H. Ammari, E. Bretin, J. Garnier, and A. Wahab, Noise source localization in an attenuating medium, SIAM J. App. Math., 72(1):(2012), pp. 718–736.
- H. Ammari, E. Bretin, V. Jugnon, and A. Wahab, Photoacoustic imaging for attenuating acoustic media, in Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Imaging II, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol.
2035, Springer-Verlage, Berlin 2012, pp. 57–84. - S. Gdoura, A. Wahab, and D. Lesselier.,Electromagnetic time reversal and scattering by a small dielectric inclusion, J. Phy.: Conf. Ser., 386:(2012), 012010.
- E. Bretin, L. Gaudarrama Bustos, and A. Wahab, On the Green function in visco-elastic media obeying a frequency power law, Math. Meth. App. Sci., 34(7): (2011), pp 819–830.
- S. Park, S. Khan, and A. Wahab, E3-targetPred: Prediction of E3-target proteins using deep latent space encoding, In Revision: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics, Jun. 2020. - S. Khan, M. Usman, and A. Wahab, AFP-SRC: Identification of antifreeze proteins using sparse representation classifier, In Revision: Neural Computing and Applications, Oct. 2020.
- A. Wahab, S. Khan, and F. Z. Khan, Comments on “Design of momentum fractional LMS for Hammerstein nonlinear system identification with application to electrically stimulated muscle model”, Submitted to: The European Physical Journal Plus, Sep. 2020.
- M. Afzal, J. U. Satti, A. Wahab, R. Nawaz, Scattering analysis of a partitioned wave-bearing cavity with material contrast, Submitted to Nonlinear Dynamics, Jan. 2021.
- MATH 161 – Calculus I
- MATH 162 – Calculus II
- MATH 251 – Discrete Mathematics