Aidar Balabekov
Office Phone:
(69) 4920

Research Interest

Teaching Kazakh language as a second language

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Aidar Balabekov a highly educated teacher of Kazakh and Kazakh for non native speakers with 17 years of experience. Started teaching career in 2001 in specialised school for gifted pupils in Almaty. Further on continued working and teaching at Universities such as Kazakh  National Pedagogical University named after Abay,  KIMEP and Kazakh University of International Relations and World languages named after Abylai Khan and British International school called Haileybury Astana.

In order to develop his professional skills he has attended and completed many language professional trainings, courses and has conducted his own trainings and organised seminars and conferences.

He is the author of many science and pedagigical as well as theoretical articles and lesson samples. As a result of the above mentioned work and experience he has published his own coursebooks for adults. For his hardwork and creativity Aidar had been awarded the following certificates and prizes.

Study resources

  1. «Kazakhself study» e-coursebook. Мультимедиялық қазақша-орысша-ағылшынша тілашар
  2. KazakhlanguageА1, А2, В1, В2, С1. Study material (in co-authorship with National Test Centre) 2012, 1st edition and 2nd edition in 2016


  1. Grammar category and functional semantic network.// Kazakh language knowledge/ acquisition Oriental difficulties/ problems. Almaty ,2007 y ., p.p 145-149.
  2. Category meaning relations. International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th birthday of B. Khasanov . Almaty, 2008.
  3. Mood/ verb category: functional semantic aspect. International scientific-practical conference. Almaty, 2009
  4. The usage of interactive method in simultaneous interpretation. International scientific-practical conference. Almaty, 2009
  5. Interactive method, it’s aspects and importance in teaching Kazakh  . Almaty, 2015 «Turan» University (conference collection materials)
  6. Information technology approach in teaching Kazakh. International scientific-practical conference. Almaty, 2016pp. 20-22
  7. Coursebook text problems in teaching Kazakh and its usage. Astana , 2016