Aigerim Galyamova, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar
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Research Interest

Electrochemistry, Heterogeneous Electrocatalysis, Strong Metal-Support Interactions, Nanoparticle and Single Atoms catalysts, Electrocatalysts design, synthesis, and characterization.

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Aigerim Galyamova was born in the Kishkenekol township of the North Kazakhstan region. In 2010, Aigerim was awarded the International scholarship “Bolashak” which allowed her to pursue an undergraduate degree in the USA.  In 2016, Aigerim received her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Pennsylvania State University. At PennState, Aigerim worked with Dr. Danny Sykes in the undergraduate analytical lab, where she worked with various analytical techniques such as UHPLC, MassSpec, and microchip electrophoresis. In 2016, Aigerim was awarded the DAAD scholarship which allowed her to intern in Germany. In Germany, Aigerim worked with Dr. Andreas Kiontke at the University of Leipzig, where they used ambient ionization MassSpec for the detection of pesticides in vitro. In 2017, Aigerim started her Ph.D. journey at the University of Texas at Austin, where she joined Dr. Richard M. Crooks’ lab. In Crooks’ group, Aigerim focused on heterogeneous electrocatalysis of small molecules on thin film-supported metal nanoparticles. In November 2022, Aigerim successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation: “Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen and oxidation of carbon monoxide on metal oxide thin film supported metal nanoparticles.”