Andrey Filchenko
Department Chair
Office Phone:
(70) 9068

Research Interest

Languages and cultures of indigenous people of Siberia in a wide areal context of Eurasia: the typology, history, evolution, areal contact and change of languages/cultures

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Dr. Andrey Filchenko obtained his Doctorate in Linguistics in 2007 and a Master of Arts degree in 2004 from William Marsh Rice University of Houston. He also has a “Kandidat Nauk in Philology“ degree awarded in 2002 by the Mari El State University in Russia.

Before coming to Nazarbayev University, Dr. Filchenko was an associate professor, a senior research fellow, and a research department coordinator at universities in Tomsk, Russia; visiting professor in Hamburg, Germany; and a visiting researcher in Bellingham, USA; Tokyo, Japan; Vienna, Austria; Leipzig, Germany; Helsinki, Finland; Edinburgh, UK; Budapest, Hungary

Dr. Filchenko does research and teaches in the areas of Anthropological Linguistics, Field Methods & Language Documentation, Linguistic Typology, Cognitive Linguistics.

Dr. Filchenko’s research is focused on languages and cultures of indigenous people of Siberia in a wide areal context of Eurasia. He has led a set of projects and authored several publications on various aspects of indigenous languages and traditional culture of Uralic and Turkic people in Siberia with interest in the typology, history, evolution, areal contact and change of languages/cultures at a local scale.

For more information, please, visit his: academia.edu and LinkedIn pages.