Anton Desyatnikov, PhD
Professor, Department Chair
Office Phone:
+7 (7172) 705916

Research Interest

The main research interests are concentrated in linear and nonlinear dynamics of laser light in various settings, from bulk and anisotropic optical media to periodic photonic lattices and discrete systems, developed in singular and topological photonics. Particular focus is on spatial optical solitons, twisted light, optical vortices, and optical angular momentum.

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Dr. Anton Desyatnikov since graduating and obtaining his PhD from Moscow Engineering Physical Institute, has worked as a visiting fellow in Australia and Spain, completed Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship in Germany in 2002-2003, and, for over a decade, has been working at the Australian National University, completing the Australian Research Fellowship in 2008-2012.

Dr. Desyatnikov took the position of Associate Professor at the Department of Physics SST NU in 2015, he was promoted to Full Professor in 2016, and, since 2020, he has taken the role and responsibilities of the Department Chair. His main research area is nonlinear and singular optics, including the dynamics of optical solitons and nonlinear waves, optical vortices and polarization singularities, angular momentum of light, and photonic lattices.

Full list of publications can be found onĀ google scholar page.