ChunYoungPark_picture copie
Chun-Young Holden Park
Assistant professor
Office Phone:

Research Interest

Human Security, Status, Hierarchy in IR, International Organizations, Foreign Policy, Middle Power Diplomacy

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

PhD in Political Science, 2023, University of Georgia

Dr. Chun-Young Holden Park joined the faculty of Nazarbayev University in Fall 2023 right after completing his doctoral degree at the University of Georgia. Prior to his doctoral training, Dr. Park worked for the Dokdo Institute of the Northeast Asian History Foundation in Seoul conducting research on the territorial and historical disputes between Korea and Japan in maritime space.

He specializes in human security, international organizations, and foreign policy. His dissertation is about how less-recognized actors (middle powers and non-government organizations) strive for influence and status in the Universal Periodic Review through naming and shaming. His key research interests are on how states and non-state actors behave in the Universal Periodic Review, and interested in various methods, text analysis and social network analysis. Several papers from his dissertation were presented at various international conferences (ISA, MPSA, SPSA, etc.) and are currently under review for publication.

He is currently working on several projects including:

1) How authoritarian regimes flock together in the Universal Periodic Review process, and how their tone of shaming differs based on regime types (currently under review for publication);

2) How international aid from authoritarian states affect the closing civil society in developing world;

3) Also, he is developing a dataset project called “the UPROSE (Universal Periodic Review Other Stakeholders’ Engagement) Project,” which collects the reporting behaviors with dictionary of various human rights organizations worldwide.

Dr. Park received his B.A. and M.A. from Yonsei University.