Dongming Wei
PhD Michigan State University
Office Phone:
+7 (7172) 709388

Research Interest

Nonlinear differential equations with industrial applications; Modeling, numerical simulations, finite element analysis, symbolic computation, application of simulation software; Stability and integrity of structures of advanced materials with applications in energy and bio-medical engineering, MEMS and NEMS; Non-Newtonian flows and polymer extrusion; Interdisciplinary research; Actuarial mathematics.

The nonlinear differential equations arise from nonlinear material constitutive equations and the continuum mechanics of solids and fluids. For numerical simulations and analysis, lumped parameter models; asymptotic and perturbation methods, finite element and finite difference methods, symbolic and numerical computation software (Matlab, Methamtica, Ansys, Comsol, Maple, and Abaqus) are developed and integrated with synergistic and interdisciplinary research collaborations. For industries, my research interests are in three application areas: 1) Developing novel optimal design methodology, design equations, and algorithms for design of polymer thin sheets and coating die interior geometric flow channels; 2) Optimal design of resonators for Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) using advanced materials such as graphene and heat-treated metals; and 3) Stability of aerospace and energy structures made of advanced materials with built-in internal shear rate dependency damping, such as metal rubber and INVAR.

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Dongming Wei is a full Professor in the Department of Mathematics of Nazarbayev University, he joined the Mathematics faculty in June of 2014. He obtained his BS Degree in Mathematics from Guangxi University in 1982 and his PhD in Applied Mathematics from Michigan State University in 1988. Prior to SST he held assistant, associate, and full professor positions at University of New Orleans from 1988 to 2014. His research portfolio includes nonlinear finite element analysis of engineering problems in solid and fluid mechanics, modeling of graphene based structural materials, modeling of human eye and cancer cells, modeling of soil foundations and landslides, modeling of porous medium flows at high Reynolds numbers, computational non-Newtonian thermal flows in extrusion dies, numerical solutions of nonlinear option price equations.

Research Grants

  1. D. Wei (PI) et al, Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Material Structures for Mechanical Pressure Sensing and Actuation Applications, ORAU grant- ID: 090118FD5347, 2017- 2020: US$150,000.00.
  2.  D. Wei (PI) et al, Development and Prototyping of Extrusion Dies for Advanced Plastic Sheets and Thin Film Production, Kazakhstan Ministry of Education and Science (MES)  Grant, AP05134166, 2018-2020: US$ 140,000.
  3.  D. Wei (PI) et al, Design & Development of Multiphysics Algorithm for Polymer Sheet Processing Die Design, Faculty Development Grant, 021220FD4651, 2021-2023: US$150,000.00.
  4.  D. Wei (PI) et al, Engineering design of high precision polymer sheet/film extrusion dies, Commercialization Grant, 2024-2026: US$ 140,000/Yr.
  5.  Co-PI with Christa Spitas (PI) et al, Rapid Response Fixed Astronomical Telescope for Gamma Ray Bust Observation, Nazarbayev University Collaborative Research Grants Program, 2020-2023: US$449,820.00.
  6.  Co-PI with Dichuan Zhang (PI) et al, Multi-layered Inertial Reactive Armour, MES Grant AP09259703, 2021-2023: US$140,000.
  7.  Co-PI with Yong Zho (PI) et al, High-fidelity concurrent multidisciplinary design optimization based on arbitrary hybrid turbulence modelling and fully coupled FSI, Faculty Development Grant, 20122022FD4126, 2023-2026: US$150,000.00.

Capstone Research Projects

  1. Nonlinear Spring and Dynamics of Graphene in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Zhassulan Kazbek, 2015 (the results lead to a journal paper published in 2017).
  2. Application of Finite Element Analysis on Viscous non-Newtonian fluids, Narken Aimambet, 2016.
  3. Modeling of Ocular Lamina Cribrosa by Nonlinear Differential Equations, Alya Jangabylova and Aidana Zhalgas, Co-adviser Prof. M.W.L Ko (SENG), 2016.
  4. Finite Element Solutions of the RAPM Model in Option Pricing, Laila Zhexembay and Andrey Pak, 2016.
  5. Estimating Insurance Premiums for Alzheimer disease, Aitore Issadykova, 2017.
  6. Comparison of Advanced Logistic Model with Gompertz and Logistic Models, Rassulla Kari, 2017.
  7. Advanced Logistic Model Analysis, Rustam Bekishev, 2017.
  8. Life Insurance for Breast Cancer Patients, Anel Sotsialova, 2017.
  9. Actuarial Applications of a Two-parameter Generalized Logistic Model, Nargiz Alekberova, 2018
  10. Copulas and Correlation in Statistical Risk Theory, Sara Rat, 2018
  11. Estimation and Application of best ARIMA Model for Forecasting the Uranium Price, Medeu Amanngeldi, 2018
  12. Copula functions in Credit Metrics’ VaR estimation, Shynggys Magzanov 2019
  13. Finite Element Method for Retaining Walls Subjected to Swelling Pressure, Mansur Shakipov, 2020
  14. Modeling Dependencies Between Exchange Rates Using Time Invariant and Time-varying Copulas, Asem Adil, 2020