Gabriel McGuire
Assistant Professor
Office Phone:
(70) 5907

Research Interest

The depictions of mobile pastoral lifeways in Soviet era Kazakh language short stories and novels, and the relationship between genres of oral and written Kazakh literature

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Gabriel McGuire holds a BA in Anthropology from Whitman College (2002) and an MA (2007) and Ph.D. (2013) from the department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology at Indiana University. His dissertation  was based on a year of field work in the south of Kazakhstan, and described the revival of small-holder mobile pastoral practices in one village.

His current research interests include the depictions of mobile pastoral lifeways in Soviet era Kazakh language short stories and novels, and the relationship between genres  of oral and written Kazakh literature.

He joined the department of World Languages and Literatures at Nazarbayev Univeristy in the fall of 2011. In addition to his work at Nazarbayev University, he also serves as a board member for the European Society for Central Asian Studies (ESCAS).

Selected Grants and Awards
  1. Nazarbayev University: Outstanding Instruction in the Humanities, 2013
  2. Fulbright-Hayes DDR Fellowship, 2008
  3. Fulbright IIE Fellowship, 2008 (declined)