jonathan dupuy
Jonathan Dupuy
Office Phone:
(69) 4746

Research Interest

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Jonathan Dupuy’s writing is influenced by his upbringing in Detroit, Michigan as well as his work as a dishwasher, a Harley Davidson mechanic, a golf caddie, a bartender, a film critic for public radio, a journalist, a DJ and the time he served in the US Marine Corps infantry, traveling to over twenty-five countries during which he was distinguished with the Marine’s highest non-combat award and a certificate of commendation for his service.

Dupuy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy and German and a Bachelor of Arts degree in literature where he was awarded highest honors and membership into Phi Beta Kappa. Afterwards, he earned a Master’s degree in Classics from St. John’s College and an MFA from Washington University in St. Louis in Fiction.

He has published his writing in Signal to Noise, The Santa Fe Reporter and contributed writing to separate projects by artists Jose Garza, Michael Powell and Serhii Chrucky.

He is currently writing his first novel.

While at NU he has taught courses for both the Writing Program and Literature Department.