Kulyan Kopesh
Office Phone:
(70) 5934

Research Interest

Linguistics and Teaching Kazakh as a second language, Professional Kazakh language

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Kulyan Kopesh is an instructor at Nazarbayev University School of Humanities and Social Sciences. She is a teacher of Kazakh language and literature, holds MA. She graduated from Jetisu State University named after Ilyas Jansugurov that is in city Taldycorgan of Almaty region.

She is the author of over 20 scientific articles, including textbooks:

  1. Co-author of the textbook of «Kazakh language» and the electronic teaching equipment for elementary level (2007);
  2. Co-author of educational-methodical complex «Kus zholy» (2009);
  3. Co-author of educational-methodical complex «The language portfolio of state officials in the Republic of Kazakhstan» (2010);
  4. Co-author of the educational-methodical complex of teaching with the communicative system «Suhbat» (2010);
  5. Co-author of the additional training teaching aid and electronic training equipment «Tilashar» for preschool children (2011).

Awards and Honors:

  1. 2007 II place at the Republican competition «The festival of media lessons of teaching Kazakh language»
  2. 2010 I prize on «The best Kazakh language teacher» municipal contest, organized by Astana city administration on developing languages
  3. 2010 II prize on «The best Kazakh language teacher» republic contest, organized by the Ministry of Culture RK, Language committee;
  4. 2012 II prize on «Two stars» song contest, with the participation of Nazarbayev University students and lecturers.

Professional advanced courses (Training courses, seminars, internships)

  1. «Using the technology of language portfolio of public employee» a course of rising qualification at the republican center of developing languages named after S.Shayahmetov in 2010;
  2. «The children of new consciousness: contemporary condition» under guidance of the Doctor of Philological science, professor of Moscow pedagogical university E.N. Chernozemova in 2010 (amount of hours-74);
  3. «The complex system of using an interactive board «Active board» professional advancing course. – Astana, September, 2011
  4. «Professional training in the Republic of Kazakhstan: developing the administration and its main problems» teachers’ professional advancing course organized by the innovational center by professor O.Syzdykov (48 hours). – Astana, October, 2011
  5. «The independent Kazakhstan: history and traditions» republican scientific practical conference-seminar devoted for the 20th Anniversary of the Independence of The Republic of Kazakhstan. – Astana: Agrotechnical University by S. Seifullin, November, 2011
  6. «Teaching Kazakh language: innovative methods and practices» republican scientific methodical seminar. – Astana: Nazarbayev University, March, 2013
  7. «Theoretical and practical problems of scientific research: methodology, methods, technology» city scientific seminar-council. – Astana: «Turan-Astana» University, April, 2014
  8. «The Assembly of people of Kazakhstan agency in the sphere of language policy if Kazakhstan» republican seminar. – Astana: Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December, 2015
  9. «Contemporary condition of teaching and changing of paradigms in multilingual environment» international scientific-practical seminar. – Astana: KAZGUU University, February, 2016
  10. «The principles of evaluating communicative language competences» republican training seminar. – Astana: «National Testing Center» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, March, 2016
  11. «Features of methods of teaching the Kazakh language KAZTEST adults: the development direction of» » republican training seminar. – Astana: «National Testing Center» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December, 2016