Marat Kaikanov
Assistant Professor
Office Phone:
69 4823

Research Interest

Charged particle beams’ physics and acceleration techniques, high-current
pulsed electron and ion beams application for materials modification

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Dr. Marat Kaikanov is a postdoctoral scholar at Physics Department, School of Sciences and
Humanities, Nazarbayev University since 2019. He has graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic
University (Russia) with Ph.D in Physics (Charged particle beams’ physics and acceleration
techniques). His Ph.D topic was on investigation of pulsed high-current electron beam generation
in high-impedance diode. During his PhD studies at TPU he participated in high-current pulsed
accelerators development and investigated various targets modification by nanosecond pulsed
electron beam.
Marat joined Nazarbayev University in November 2014 as a Senior Researcher at National
Laboratory Astana (NLA). At NLA he participated in INURA (Innovative Nazarbayev
University’s Research Accelerator) pulsed ion accelerator development.