Meruyert Ibrayeva
Assistant Professor
Office Phone:
(70) 5924

Research Interest

Сomparative linguistics and second language acquisition

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

Meruyert Ibrayeva is an assistant professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Nazarbayev University. She graduated from L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian national university by specialty Kazakh and English languages. She passed PhD defense in Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in 2010.

Prior to Nazarbayev University, Meruyert Ibrayeva lectured and tutored in the Cross-culture communication Department at the Innovative university of Eurasia, Pavlodar. She also taught Kazakh for bachelor students and candidates for master degree in summer school on the UW-Madison in 2013. She attended training courses in professional development workshop on effective learning, second language: theory and practice, comparative linguistics in the context of modernity, management in the university: innovations and quality.

Conference presentations:

  1. Multilingual community of learning -Kazakhstan Pre-K multiliteracy approach. Fifth Regional Conference “Central Eurasian Studies Society”. Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia. June 2-4, 2016.
  2. Representation of agreement and disagreement in Kazakh language. International conference on English Scholars beyond borders. 3 – 4 December, 2015, Dokuz Eylül University Izmir, Turkey.
  3. Proverbs equivalence and its expressiveness in different-type languages. International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia, November 17 – 19, 2014, University Sains Malaysia, Penang MALAYSIA.
  4. Paremia as an expression of national identity // ACCESS conference, May 2014.
  5. Peculiarities of teaching the Kazakh language for heritage and non-heritage learners // NCOLTCL conference, April 2014. 24 – 26 April, 2014.