
Research Interest
Buddhism, history of Buddhism, Tibet, Mongolia, Russian religious policy, sacred geography
Nikolay Tsyrempilov is an Associate Professor at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. In 2001 he defended his Candidate thesis at Saint Petersburg Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences. His Candidate dissertation contained historical analysis of some 18th century Tibetan hagiographies. In 2016 All-Russian Attestation Commission confirmed his Doctor in History degree for his dissertation devoted to the problems of interrelations between the Buriat Buddhist community and 18th-early 20th century Russian state.
Nikolay has published a few monographs and papers exploring the history of Buddhist communities in Tibet, Mongolia and Russia as well as the role of Tibetan Buddhism in political history of Central Eurasia and Russia. He is especially concerned with the issues of how Tibetan Buddhist religious institutes formed up and the ways the states influenced this process. In addition, Nikolay is an explorer of Mongolian and Tibetan written heritage having compiled a series of catalogs and published a few samples. From recent time his research interests include the history of the Oirats and the Dzunghar Khanate, sacred geography of Kazakhstan.
Prior to his work at Nazarabayev University Nikolay spent 12 years as a senior research fellow of the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute for Mongolian , Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences (Ulan-Ude, Russia), member of Princeton Institute of Advanced Study (USA) and Head of History Department of the Buryat State University (Russia). Nikolay was a visiting researcher at Hamburg University (2002), Tohoku University (2002), Indiana University (2003), Central University of Tibetan Studies (2006, 2009), University of Hokkaido (2007-2008).
Currently Nikolay acts as PI of the research project aimed at creation of an electronic atlas of sacred geography of Kazakhstan.
Selected Grants and Awards
- 2002 – Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, Short-term grant
- 2002 – Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai Award
- 2003 – International Research Exchange, Regional Scholars Exchange Program
- 2004 – Honorary Diploma of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences for Contribution to the Russian Science;
- 2006 – Honorary Award of the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Buryatia for achievements in scholarly studies;
- 2007 – Honorary Diploma «The Heritage of Siberia» from the Federal Unit of the National Foundation «Public Recognition»
- 2007 – Grant of Charity Foundation of the senator Vitaly Malkin «Era» for the besr scholarly research;
- 2007-2008 – Grant for 4-month stay at Slavic Research Center of Hokkaido University from CEO 21st Century Program (Japan);
- 2008-2009 – Russian Foundation of Humanity # 08-01-12117в «Buddhist Canon in Electronic Space»;
- 2010 – Grant Sigrid Rausing Foundation for short-term stay at Cambridge University, Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit;
- 2010 – Honorary Diploma «The Best Young Scholar of Buryatia» from the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Buryatia;
- 2010 – Grant from American Council of Learned Societies under the Programme of Humanities for Belarus, Russia and Ukraine for the work in archives;
- 2011 – Honorary Diploma of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences for the efforts to promote scholarly researches in Russian Federation;
- 2011-2012 – Russian Foundation of Humanity # 11-01-12063 в – «Intergration of Buddhism into Russian empire: compilation of historical sources database»;
- 2012-2013 – Henkel Foundation, The Ganjur Colophons in Comparative Analysis: A Contribution to the Cultural History of the Mongols in the 17Th -Early 18Th Centuries, Head of Ulan-Ude group;
- 2013-2014 – George Kennan grant for membership in Princeton Institute for Advanced Study
- 2015-2016 – Endangered Archives Programme Grant from Arcadia Foundation and British Library (EAP-813)
- 2015-2016 – Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation «Archaeographic and IT methods in research of private archives of the Baikal region: compilation of digitalized historical sources database»
- Under Shadow of White Tara. Buriat Buddhists in the Russian Empire, the 18-early 20th c.
Tsyrempilov , N., 2020Brill Academic Publishers, - Annotated Catalogue of Mongolian and Tibetan Manuscripts of National Museum of Republic of Buryatia, Russia
Tsyrempilov , N., Badagarov, J., 2020 - «Блеск примечательной личности…» Первый бурятский ученый Доржи Банзаров в мифологических и идеологических дискурсах середины XIX – конца XX вв.
Tsyrempilov , N., 2019 In : Ab Imperio. - The Death of White Tara: The Reaction of the Buryat Buddhists to the Demise of the Monarchy in 1917 Russia
Tsyrempilov , N., 2019 - Ulan-Ude Manuscript Kanjur: An Overview, Analysis and Brief Catalogue
Tsyrempilov , N., 2017 In : Buddhist Studies Review. 2, 33.1, p. 237-265 - Когда Россия признала буддизм?: В поисках указа 1741 г. императрицы Елизаветы Петровны об официальном признании буддизма российскими властями
Tsyrempilov , N., 2017 Буддизм: pro et contra. p. 43-64 - За святую Дхарму и Белого царя: Российская империя глазами бурятских буддистов XVIII — начала XX в.
Tsyrempilov , N., 2017 Buddizm: Pro et Contra. Russian Christian State Academy, p. 810-836 - The Constitutional Theocracy of Lubsan- Samdan Tsydenov: An Attempt to Establish a Buddhist State in Transbaikalia (1918–22)
Tsyrempilov , N., 2016 In : State, Religion and Church. 3, 2, p. 26-52 - Noble Paganism. Orientalist Discourse on Tibetan Buddhism in Nineteenth-Century Russian Polemic Literature
Tsyrempilov , N., 2016 In : Inner Asia. 17, p. 199-224 - Introduction
Tsyrempilov , N., 2016 In : Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines. 46, p. 2 - Introduction
Tsyrempilov, N., 2015 In : Etudes Mongoles et Siberiennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibetaines. 2015, 46, - The constitutional theocracy of Lubsan-Samdan Tsydenov: An attempt to establish a Buddhist state in Transbaikalia (1918-1922)
Tsyrempilov, N., 2015 In : Gosudarstvo, Religiia, Tserkov’ v Rossii i za Rubezhom. 33, 4, p. 318-346 - Noble Paganism: Orientalist Discourse on Tibetan Buddhism in Nineteenth-Century Russian Polemic Literature
Tsyrempilov, N., 2015 In : Inner Asia. 17, 2, p. 199-224 - Буддизм и империя: бурятская буддийская община и Российское государство в XVIII – нач. ХХ в.
Tsyrempilov , N., 2014Buriat Mongol Nom, - The 1913 Tibet-Mongolia Treaty of Friendship and Alliance: New Sources Uncovering the History of its Drafting
Tsyrempilov , N., 2013 In : Lungta. Spring, 17, p. 35-43 - dGe lugs pa divided: Some Aspects of the Political Role of Tibetan Buddhism in the Expansion of the Qing Empire
Tsyrempilov , N., 2013 Critical Readings on the History of Tibetan Foreign Relations. Brill Academic Publishers, 2, p. 483-499 - The open and secret diplomacy of Tsarist and Soviet Russia in tibet: The role of Agvan Dorzhiev (1912-1925)
Tsyrempilov, N., 2012 Asiatic Russia: Imperial Power in Regional and International Contexts. Taylor and Francis, p. 216-234 - Буддийский авангард: метаморфозы бурятской буддийской сангхи в России (XVIII – начало XX в.)
Tsyrempilov , N., 2012 In : Novyj Istoriceskij Vestnik. p. 26 - From Tibet Confidentially. The Secret Correspondence of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama to Agvan Dorzhiev, 1912–1925
Tsyrempilov , N., , ., 2012Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, - Buddhist vanguard: Transformations of Buryat Buddhist sangha in Russia (XVIII – The beginning of XX cc.)
Tsyrempilov, N., 2012 In : Novyj Istoriceskij Vestnik. 33 3, p. 26-36 - Buddhismus in Russland
Tsyrempilov , N., 2012 In : Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West. 10, p. 11-13 - ‘Alien’ Lamas: Russian Policy toward Foreign Buddhist Clergy in the Eighteenth to Early Twentieth Centuries
Tsyrempilov , N., 2012 In : Inner Asia. 14, 2, p. 245-255 - The Open and Secret Diplomacy of Tsarist and Soviet Russia in Tibet: the Role of Agvan Dorzhiev (1912–1925)
Tsyrempilov , N., 2011 Asiatic Russia: Imperial Power in Regional and International Contexts. Routledge, p. 216-234 - Гончог-Чжигмэд-Ванбо. Повествование о жизни Всеведущего Чжамьян-Шадбий-Дорчже, могущественного ученого и сиддха, называющееся «Брод, ведущий к удивительно благому уделу»: Введение, перевод, комментарии Николая Цыремпилова
Tsyrempilov , N., 2008Buryat Science Center Publications, - Catalogue of the gSung ‘bum Section of the Tibetan Collection of the Center of Manuscripts and Xylographs of IMBTS. Vol. 1. Pre-dGe lugs and early dGe lugs.
Tsyrempilov , N., Bazarov, A., 2008National University of Mongolia, - Annotated catalogue of the collection of Mongolian manuscripts and xylographs M II of the Institute of Mongolian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies of Siberian Branch of Russia Academy of Sciences
Tsyrempilov , N., 2006Tohoku University, 24, - Annotated Catalogue of the Collection of Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs M I of the Institute of Mongolian, Tibetan and Buddhist studies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Tsyrempilov , N., 2004Tohoku University, 17,
- Buddhism in Central Asia
- History of Kazakhstan
- Introduction to World Religions
- Buddhist Religious Traditions
- Thesis I