Sonel Bosnali
Sonel Bosnali
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Research Interest

Turkish and French languages in the fields of contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics and didactics of languages

Selected Publications
Courses Offered

After completing his Bachelor’s degree in French as a Foreign Language and Oriental languages ​​at INALCO (France), Sonel Bosnalı followed his Master’s and PHD studies at the same Institute. In the years 1999-2001 he was Research Fellow at the French Research Institute in Iran where he conducted sociolinguistic research on the Turk of Azerbaijan. In 2003 he taught French at Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. During this period, he also taught linguistic anthropology at Yeditepe University (İstanbul). Since 2010 he has been working in the Department of French Language and Literature at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University. Since the beginning of 2000 he has been teaching Turkish at Nazarbayev University.

Sonel Bosnalı has several articles on the Turkish languages ​​of Iran (Azerbaijani and Khalaj) and French, books published under his direction on language contact and migration, as well as two monographic books (Azerbaycan Türkçesi: Toplumdilbilimsel Bir İnceleme, Morphologie Flexionnelle du Français Ecrit).