Aigerim Soltabayeva. Photo
Айгерім Солтабаева
Postdoctoral Scholar
Office Phone:
70 (92 96)

Research Interest

Молекулалық генетика, молекулалық биология, өсімдіктер стресі, өсімдіктердің қартаюы, өсімдіктердің өзгеруі, арабидопсис.

Таңдамалы мақалалары
Ұсынылатын курстар


B.Sc. -2007 – 2012 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology – Title of
graduation work: Genetic mechanisms of Arabidobsis thaliana plants
adaptation to extreme conditions of northern limits of the species range
Ph.D.-2013 – 2018 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Title of thesis: The role and
control of purine catabolism genes and ureides generation in plant
response to environmental stimuli

Jan- Sep 2018 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Department of French Associates
Institute for Agriculture and Biotechnology of Drylands, Advisor: Prof.
Moshe Sagi.

Sep 2018- present Nazarbayev University, Department School of Science and Technology
Employment History
Sep 2018-present Post-doctoral researcher, Nazarbayev University, Department School of Sciences and Humanities

Jun 2012- Aug 2013 Laboratory technician, Nazarbayev University, Department Research and Innovation System, School of Science and Technology

Research grants
2018 – 2019 Social Policy Grant. “Genetic manipulation of senescence associated
genes to increase the tolerance in crop plant to environmental stresses”,

2020 – 2022 Faculty Development Grant (FDCRG 2020). “Enhance the tolerance of
crop plants to abiotic stresses by modulating the senescence associated
gene expression”, PI. 3 Bachelor students were involved as Research

Supervision of BSc students for their research grant from Young Researchers
Alliance 2020. List of student and title of project:

1) Dina Turlybekova, title: "The role of senescence-associated receptor-
like kinase (AtSARK) in inducing senescence resulting from

environmental stimuli" – FRIP program from 2nd call; (2019 Sep) Budget 1mln tenge.

2) Margulan Sandybek, title of project "Investigation of the role of
senescence-associated receptor-like kinase (AtSARK) under salinity
stress" – FRIP program from 3d call (2019, Nov); Budget 1mln

3)  Aizhan Rakhmetova and Daniyar Niyetkaliyev. FRIP 2020:
COVID-19 Response and Recovery Solutions for Qazaqstan, website
“Uidemiz” (, (2020 active project) Budget 1mln