Research Interest
Фармацевтика ғылымы, дәрі-дәрмектерді жеткізу жүйесі, биомедициналық қолдануға арналған нанобөлшектер / микробөлшектер жүйелері
A Ph.D. level scientist with an 8+ research experience in Chemistry/Pharmacy. Having accomplished my Ph.D. at the Reading School of Pharmacy (UK) with a Polymer Chemistry background, I started a position of postdoctoral researcher at the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering of Purdue University (USA) in 2015 for Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Corporation (Seoul, Korea) in a team serving as a commercialisation Hub for CKD in Europe and USA for two years. Having been working on the edge of academia and industry, I joined a Stem cell laboratory of the National Center for Biotechnology in Astana as a Leading Scientist, which was followed by a position of PostDoctoral Scholar at the Department of Chemistry, NU in 2020.
Organic Chemistry 1 Lab (Fall 2020)