
Research Interest
Математикалық логика, Есептеу теориясы, Жиындар теориясы, Алгебра және операторлық теориялар қамтиды.
Dоктор Манат Мұстафа 2012 жылы әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ де математика мамандығы бойынша Ph.D. дәрежесін қорғаған. Қазіргі уақытта Назарбаев Университетінің математика кафедрасының ассистент профессор қызметін атқарады. Назарбаев Университетіне келгенге дейін Сингапурдағы Нанmянu технологиялық университетінің физика-математика мектебінде ғылыми қызметкер ретінде қызмет атқарған. 2003-2009 жж. – О.Жәутіков атындағы дарынды балаларға арналған мамандандырылған физика-математика орта мектебінде математика пәнінің мұғалімі.
1. M. Mustafa, A.Sorbi. Positive undecidable numberings in the Ershov hierarchy ; Algebra and logic ,-Vol. 50, N6, pp. 512-525, N January 2012.
2. S.Badaev, M.Mustafa, A.Sorbi. Rogers semi lattices of families of two embedded sets in the Ershov hierarchy , Mathematical Logic Quarterly. -Vol. 58, issue 4-5.-P.366-376. -2012 August.
3.K. Abeshev,S. Badaev, M. Mustafa. Family without minimal numbering. Algebra and Logic, Vol. 53, No. 4, September, 2014
4. S. Badaev, M. Mustafa, A. Sorbi. Friedberg numberings in the Ershov hierarchy //Archive for Mathematical Logic February 2015, Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 59–73
5. T.N. Bekjan, M.Mustafa, On interpolation of noncommutative symmetric Hardy spaces, Positivity; , Volume 21, Issue 4, pp 1307–1317 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11117-017-0468-y
6. N.Bazhenov, M.Mustafa, F.Stephan, M.Yamaleev. Boolean algebras realized by c.e.equvivalence relations. Siberian electronic mathematical reports. V14, pp848-855. 2017.
7. M. Zubaira, A.Alzaatreh, M. H. Tahir, M. Mansoora and M.Mustafa. A generalization of the exponential distribution and its applications on modeling skewed data. the Journal of Statistical Theory and related fields. 16 May 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/24754269.2018.1466099.
8.M.Mustafa, D.Suragan. Green-type identities for Rockland operators on graded lie groups.Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11785-018-0824-3.
9. Bazhenov.N, M.Mustafa, M.Yamaleev, Elementary theories and hereditary undecidability for semilattices of numberings. Archive for Mathematical Logic (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00153-018-0647-y
10.Bazhenov N., Mustafa M., Yamaleev M. (2019) Computable Isomorphisms of Distributive Lattices. In: Gopal T., Watada J. (eds) Theory and Applications of Models of Computation. TAMC 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11436. Springer, Cham.
11. Bazhenov, N., Mustafa, M. and Sergei Ospichev. Bounded Reducibility for Computable Numberings. To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (CIE2019, https://community.dur.ac.uk/cie.2019/ )
12. I.Herbert, J.Sanjay Jain, M.Mustafa, L.Steffen and F.Stephan. Reductions between types of numberings.
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apal.2019.102716. 2019.
13. N.Bazhenov, M.Mustafa, L.S.Mauro, A.Sorbi, and M.Yamaleev, Classifying equivalence relations in the Ershov hierarchy, Submitted for publication.
14.M.Mustafa, D.Suragan. Hardy type inequalities for quaternion-valued functions. Submitted for publication.
15. Ardak Kashkynbayev; Manat Mustafa; Durvudkhan Suragan. Floquet theory for quaternion-valued ordinary differential equations. Submitted.
In preparation
- Bazhenov.N, M.Mustafa, M.Yamaleev. Sigma-definable equivalences relations.
- Ardak Kashkynbayev; Manat Mustafa; Durvudkhan Suragan. Caccioppoli type inequalities for quaternion-valued functions.
The full list of publications can be found on google scholar page.
Conferences: The 16th Asian Logic Conference and Fourteenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity, and Randomness took the place at NU in Kazakhstan in June 2019. Please see more information about ALC2019 and CCR2019 by the following web pages: The Sixteenth Asian Logic Conference and Fourteenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity and Randomness