A new publication by Eurasian Studies MA student Zhibek Aisarina has been highlighted in PONARS Eurasia newsletter

PONARS Eurasia mentioned the article by MAES student Zhibek Aisarina in their newsletter.
“In our article with Dr. Erica Marat, we shed light on the under-recognition of works by Central Asian researchers. Although local authors’ works get published, they are usually considered not as good as works by their Western counterparts. Another hurdle is the insufficiency of their works’ promotion internationally. As a result, partly due to lack of visibility and partly due to limited pro-active attempts to eliminate knowledge inequality, most of the Central Asian authors’ works are left out of intellectual debates. The recent book database (https://oxussociety.org/book-database/) by the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs has taken an important step towards increasing visibility. What remains is to seek new and creative ways to recognize and engage with locally produced research”, – says Zhibek.
The Program on New Approaches to Research and Security in Eurasia (PONARS Eurasia) is a network of over 125 academics, mainly from North America and post-Soviet Eurasia, advancing new approaches to research on security, politics, economics, and society in Russia and Eurasia. Its core missions are to connect scholarship to policy on an in Russia and Eurasia and to foster a community, especially of mid-career and rising scholars, committed to developing policy-relevant and collaborative research.