
Building Science. NU SSH held “Zhas Galym – V” Student Conference

SSH News (11)

The event was dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the famous newspaper “Kazakh”.

The School of Sciences and Humanities of Nazarbayev University held a republican student scientific conference “Zhas Galym – V”, on the topic: “Identity, knowledge and mobility in the Eurasian space through time”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the newspaper “Kazakh” from April 7 to April 8, 2023. The organizers of the conference are the Department of the Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies, the Department of History, Philosophy and Religious Studies, the International Association of Kazakh Language Teachers.

The conference “Zhas Galym” was attended by more than 70 participants – students, undergraduates and doctoral students from 18 universities in all regions of the country. Universities participating in the conference – Kazakh National University. Al Farabi, KazPNU named after Abai, ENU named after. Gumilyov; KazNTU named after Kanysha Satpaeva, Conservatory. Kurmangazy; Karaganda University named after Buketov, Alikhan Bokeyhan Semey University, Taraz University named after Dulati, International University. Khoja Ahmed Yassui, Kazakh Law University named after Narikbaeva, KazATU named after. Seifullina, Astana International University, etc.

The conference main speakers were leading linguists, doctors of sciences of Kazakhstan. Among them is Askar Dzhumadildaev, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He made a scientific report on the topic: “Kazakh language is the language of science”.

“The conference “Young Scientist” made a great impression on me. Once again, I was convinced that the saying “mind young” is true. The enthusiasm of young people for science and their determination gave me strength. I highly appreciate the organization and scientific level of the conference. I thank the organizers”, Professor Dzhumadildaev said.

Ushkyn Saidrakhman, researcher at the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov spoke on the topic: “Newspaper ‘Kazakh’: source and scientific evidence:

“First of all, we were pleased that the event was timed to coincide with the 110th anniversary of the Kazakh newspaper. The fact that the most prestigious university in the country, teaching in the direction of science and humanities, pays attention to this topic, as it were, indicates that it is not indifferent to spirituality, as the policy of the university is determined. At the same time, I want to thank the chair of the department, Prof. Uli Schamiloglu”.

Also within the framework of the conference, a round table was held on the topic: “Young scientist and prospects for scientific activity.” The purpose of the event is to familiarize students with the skills of research work, the technology of writing scientific articles, the possibility of publishing in international journals, information about scientific grants and projects, and attracting students to science. Professors of Nazarbayev University Yulai Shamiloglu, Gulnar Omarbekova, Aminat Chokabaeva, Zhazira Agabekova introduced students to the prospects of scientific activity. Within the framework of the round table, a lively discussion took place on the problems and ways of solving modern Kazakh science.

Based on the results of the round table and discussions on various topics, the best student reports of the conference were identified:

  • In the section “Kazakh linguistics”: “Artificial intelligence (CHATGPT) and the Kazakh language”, Zhumakhmetova Guldana, Suleyman Demirel University, undergraduate, 1st year,

  • In the section “Kazakh Literary Studies”: “Sociological analysis of feminism in Kazakh prose of the early twentieth century”, Akerke Shynarbek, World Languages, Nazarbayev University, 4th year

  • In the section “History and Culture”: Newspaper “Cossack” and modern society: at the intersection of ideas”, Amalov Imangali, Sabitbek Nurzhan, Nazarbayev University, 1st year

  • In the section “Social and Human Sciences”: “Creative Communication in Tourism”, Zhuzbay Aida, Kazakh Law University named after. Narikbaeva, 1st year student, Astana

Distinguished students were awarded with Certificates and memorable gifts. During the conference, works on various topics were presented for the first time, which can rightly be called “scientific discoveries”. Among them:

  • University students Shakarima M. Nasyrov and A. Duisenbekov first introduced the scientific community to the digitized fund of rare manuscripts of the 19th century, collected in the mosques of the city of Semey;

  • 2nd year student of the Department of Chemistry of Nazarbayev University Aliya Elshibay for the first time acquainted the scientific community with her business project “Making ice cream from mare’s milk”;

  • 4th year student of the Kazakh University. Al Farabi Damir Karimov for the first time presented the textbook “The Role of Cognitive Functionality in the Development of Student Debates”

  • Within the framework of the conference, for the first time, new names of historical figures were discovered: a 1st year student of the Kazakh National Technical University.

  • Satpayeva Asel Smagzam introduced the community to the forgotten figure Alash Gabdolgaziz Musagaliuly, providing historical documents about the person and his activities at the beginning of the 20th century.

At the conference, new scientific works were shown for the first time – 3rd year students of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after. The skin of Akhmed Yassaui Akbar Gaziza, Omarbekov Aidan – for the first time introduced the previously unknown work of the Kazakh intellectual of the early twentieth century Koshke Kemengeruly “Education of Europeans”.

Following the results of the conference “Zhas Galym – V”, a collection of conference materials was published in electronic format, all participants were also awarded certificates and memorable gifts, the organizers of the conference handed letters of thanks to the supervisors of students, and the best reports were published in the “Ziyaly” information portal. Professors of SSH hope the Zhas Galym conference will become a platform for the formation of the future professional scientific elite.