Call for NOPRIZ International Professional Competition – the Best Project 2019

We are pleased to announce that the National association of members performing engineering surveys and design documentation – NOPRIZ and the Russian Academy of Arts invite students and post-graduate students of Nazarbayev University to participate in the NOPRIZ International Professional Competition for the Best Project-2019.
The submitted projects by the Contest participants should not be created earlier than 2016. Especially welcome projects in the creation and implementation of which were attended by young professionals (not older than 30 years), students and graduate students of specialized universities.
We would like to note that participation in the Contest is free of charge and awards in 19 nominations. In accordance with the regulation on the Competition, competitive proposals submitted by young specialists, students, and post-graduate students will be considered by the Competition Commission as part of an independent sub-nomination of the corresponding nomination.
We also inform you that the awarding ceremony for the winners of the NOPRIZ International Professional Competition for the Best Project-2019 will be held in Moscow on November 2019. Presentation materials of the winning projects of the Competition will be posted on the NOPRIZ website and presented at exhibitions in the Russian Academy of Arts and federal districts. Based on the results of the Competition, a catalog will be formed, which will include all projects with a description.
Applications are accepted by e-mail to no later than October 15, 2019. Contact person for all questions – Sergey Borisovich Orlov, tel.: 8 (495) 984-21-34, e-mail:
To learn more information about the Competition, you can visit the website of the National association of members performing engineering surveys and design documentation (