
Grand opening of the Summer School in Russian and Eurasian Studies took place at Nazarbayev University

On May 28th, 2018 the grand opening of the Summer School in Russian and Eurasian Studies took place at Nazarbayev University. The administration of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, including the Provost of the University – Dr Adesida Ilesanmi, congratulated students with their arrival in Astana and wished them a productive and exciting stay here in Astana. The opening ceremony was accompanied by the wonderful performances of the NU Choir and NU Orchestra.

This year 15 students are taking part in the program and 13 of them come from the United States, 1 from Mexico (our MA in Eurasian Studies Student) and 1 student is from the South Korea. Among the students, there is a Fulbright Researcher who has spent 5 years living in the region.

We also have student-tutors at Nazarbayev University who are doing their best to make international students feel at home.