Grand opening of the Summer School of Russian and Eurasian Studies took place at Nazarbayev University
On May 29th, 2017, the grand opening of the Summer School of Russian and Eurasian Studies took place at Nazarbayev University. The heads of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences congratulated students with their arrival to Astana and wished them productive studying and amazing time here. The opening ceremony was closed by the wonderful performance of the NU orchestra club and the student musical duet.
This year 14 students are taking part in the program. 11 of them came from the United States and Canada. The rest of the 3 are foreign workers living in the capital. Among the students, there is a Harvard University PhD candidate, a professor of French and German language and students from different universities of the continent of North America. We are proud to mention that the number of students increased by 3.5 times in comparison with last year (4 students).
Student-volunteers of Nazarbayev University are doing their best to make international students feel themselves at home. They are always available in case of any questions and are always willing to help!