The 5th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literature was held at Nazarbayev University

On June 20-22, 2019 the Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies (KLTS), Nazarbayev University, SHSS in cooperation with Erciyes University (Turkey) and Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Kazakhstan, Turkistan) held the 5th International Symposium on Asian Languages and Literature on the topic “Intersection of Cultures”. The symposium was aimed to gather researchers and create more opportunities for the flow of ideas on topics of Cultural Studies, Literature, Asian Languages, and Education.
Three keynote speakers Wen-chin Ouyang (SOAS University of London UK), Anna Oldfield (Coastal Carolina University, USA) and Kuderinova Kuralay (Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan) have delivered their keynote speech at the symposium:
- Wen-Chin Ouyang “Coffee, Coffeehouse, and Empire: The Silk Roads of World Literature”
- Anna Oldfield “Translation as Survival: The Search for Utopia in English – Turkic Translation”
- Kuralay Kuderinova “Kazakh Oral Language: Past, Present, and Future”.
40 papers were presented at the symposium in Kazakh, English and Turkish languages.
The symposium has been successfully organized with the efforts of Erciyes University (Turkey) and Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Kazakhstan, Turkistan) and faculty of KLTS department, Nazarbayev University.