KazLT news



On November 24 2016, the “Nazarbayev University” hosted the International Symposium “Mangilik eldin Mangilik tili” dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The symposium discussed the prospects of development of the Kazakh language in the context of global trends in the world, with an emphasis on academic and professional content of educational programs for the study of the Kazakh language and the use of innovative technologies in the learning process.

Kazakhstan today, standing on the threshold of global changes, seeks to define the place and role of the Kazakh language as a vector of national development and stability, the formation of national consciousness and identity of the Kazakh. Holding this symposium, designed to be an interactive platform for discussion of relevant topics and issues in the further development of the state language as a consolidating factor in the development of Kazakhstan’s society, it was aimed at identifying the key issues and trends in this area.

The symposium and round table “Kazakh language and the challenges of globalization: the creation of the International Association of Kazakh language teachers” was organized, and the panel section, where participants discussed such topics as the history and prospects of development of Kazakh literary language, problems of Kazakh Philology in the XXI century, innovative technology and methods of university teaching of the Kazakh language, the future of the Kazakh from the youth’s standpoint. A scientific exhibition “Independent Kazakhstan and language policy” was also carried out.

The symposium was attended by prominent public and political figures of Kazakhstan, foreign and domestic scientists, Türkologists, linguists, poets and writers.

The symposium was proposed to create a new association – the International Association of teachers of the Kazakh language, the purpose of which is to discuss the new formats and innovative methods of teaching of the Kazakh language, ways of its promotion and further development of language teaching methodology.