
MAPSIR Student Has Been Invited to the United Nations to talk about Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions!


Jamilya Nurkanova, MAPSIR student at the SHSS, Nazarbayev University, has been invited to speak in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations and present Action Plan related to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This is because Jamilya has won the 2017 “ManyLanguages, One World®“ international essay contest. More than 6,000 individuals from 170 countries and over 1,950 universities participated in the initial phase of the contest by writing essays about global citizenship in one of the six official UN languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. But only 60 students have been selected as winners. Jamilya chose to write in English, even though she realized that this group would be among the most competitive. Her essay is titled “Look Again at That Dot,” and she would be happy to share it. Now Jamilya is very excited. She is getting ready to work with other students from around the world on sustainable development goals (SDG 16) – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions – in Boston and New York City in July. Her action plan fits nicely with Nazarbayev University’s ongoing cooperation of the UN SDGs with the UNDP office in Kazakhstan. Congratulations, Jamilya!