
Medical mobile application CeliacTest© for Android developed at Nazarbayev University


Dr. Aizhan Kozhakhmetova from Biology department of the School of Sciences and Humanities and students Korlan Zhumabekova and Nurdaulet Kenges from Master of Science in Computer Science Program developed CeliacTest©, medical mobile application. We would like to highlight that the project was implemented fully on a volunteering basis with no funding and now available on Google Play Market for Android.

Coeliac disease is a complex immune-mediated gluten intolerance leading to debilitating problems with gut, bones, thyroid and many other organs.  Diversity of clinical presentations and low awareness makes it difficult to diagnose earlier to avoid adverse consequences, and also it is quite common to 1-2% of the population. However, almost 90% of cases remain undiagnosed.
CeliacTest© mobile application is the first mobile tool that allows the self-assessing risk of having coeliac disease through a short questionnaire, elaborated by Dr. Aizhan Kozhakhmetova and colleagues from Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom during her clinical and research career. People with confirmed coeliac disease can make use of the app’s forum and online medical consultant. Those users found to be at higher risk get recommendations to undergo screening blood tests. Besides, the app allows users to find thorough information about coeliac disease, associated conditions, diagnosis, and treatment. The built-in directory contains useful information about doctors, medical centers, gluten-free restaurants and supermarkets available in different cities of Kazakhstan. The last but not least component of the app is a section with news in science, allowing users to be aware of ongoing local and international research and be enrolled. Although it is only in the Russian language so far, the plans are to translate it into Kazakh and English, as well as enhance the directory and make a version for iOS.

Despite the big burden of the disease, there are no coeliac societies or associations in Kazakhstan, so the CeliacTest© app aims to increase awareness among people, including doctors, to help to improve early diagnosis through identifying at-risk people and to support diagnosed people. It was presented by Dr. Aizhan Kozhakhmetova on the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Astana-Gastro 2019” held in Nur-Sultan city (November 1-2) and was highly appreciated by medical professionals.