LLL news

Nazarbayev University acted as a co-organiser in the closing ceremony of the FLTAL conference

On the 12th May 2017, Nazarbayev University acted as a co-organiser in the closing ceremony of the Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (hereinafter – FLTAL) conference that was held in Astana.

“The FLTAL conference is the one biggest conference in the field of language teaching and learning in Kazakhstan. More than 400 language experts and enthusiasts had attended the conference, and the number will keep on growing for the coming years. FLTAL had also brought some of the most prominent professors in the world to Kazakhstan. Given the current situation in the Central Asian region, and the ethnic tension which is still felt particularly in some countries, a conference such as FLTAL is crucial, since it promotes cooperation, tolerance, and mutual understanding”.

SHSS Languages, Linguistics and Literatures Professor Andrey Filchenko, along with the SHSS Marketing Manager Aigerim Nurgaliyeva had undertaken the execution of live concert performance, campus tour and a fine banquet for guests. We would like to thank the following (and amazing) people for their contribution and whole organization of the event:

Azamat Akbarov – Chairman of the FLTAL Conference

Saule Mussabekova and SHYRAQ Student Club – Kazakh language and Turkology department Instuctor (live concert)

  1. Sharipov – Senior Manager of the International Cooperation Department (NU Campus Tour)
  2. Dosmakov – Manager of the Communication and Marketing Department (great photos)
  3. Konkakova – Manager of the Student Affairs Department (concert organization)