Nazarbayev University and Harvard to discuss the history of Russia’s relations with Central Asia and the West

On May 21 and 22, 2022 in Nur-Sultan, Nazarbayev University jointly with Harvard University (Davis Center), will hold the international conference “Empire, Colonies and Knowledge”. The objective of its participants consists in exploring the role of the multinational elites in forming and mediating the relations between the imperial center and the peripheries., as well as the development of relations between the post-Soviet countries and the West.
The conference will be attended by leading historians, political scientists, international relations experts from Kazakhstan, USA, Japan, Germany and Russia.
Scheduled for May 21, the keynote address will be delivered by the leading expert in the Soviet national policies and the author of The Affirmative Action Empire Professor Terry Martin.
In addition, on May 22, within the conference program, a roundtable discussion “Eurasia and the West since 1991” will be held.
Should you have questions concerning the conference program, access to NU campus, and press coverage, please write to Mikhail Akulov (
Date and Time: May 21 09:00 – 19:00, May 22 08:30 – 15:45.
Venue: Nur-Sultan, 53 Kabanbai Batyr Ave., Nazarbayev University campus, block C3, room 1010.