KazLT news

NU faculty has met with scholars from various countries on the dialogue platform in CESS conference again


The Fifth CESS Regional Conference (Central Eurasian Studies Society) was held in Kazan Federal University in Tatarstan in June 2-4, 2016. This conference lasted for three days including approximately 50 panels and about 175 presentations from different countries on a wide range of topics related to religion, history, culture, migration, identity in Central Eurasia and other issues.

About twenty of the NU faculty from SHSS and other schools and departments presented their research on the various topics such as: “Labor movement in the Eurasian Union”, “Islam in the contemporary mass media discourse of Kazakhstan”, “Establishing Hanafi Orthodoxy in Kazakhstan: Between the “Good” and Bad Islam”, “The problem of forming the early Scythian cultural complex in east Kazakhstan”, “Teaching quantifier category in Kazakh language: a functional semantic approach”, “Multilingual community of learning: Kazakhstan’s Pre-K multiliteracy approach”, “Historical songs about Amangeldy Imanov: mythologizing and truth (reality)” and others, you can see the program here.

Special thanks to all organizing committee members, particularly John Schoeberlein – the CESS President, Professor of Anthropology, Sociology and Anthropology Department for the organization of the conference. The conference was well-organized, very productive and well thought out. This conference gave an opportunity to meet with established scholars and other participants whom we had met and created communities in CESS 2014 in Nazarbayev University. We were mostly interested in listening to international experts from University of Amsterdam, Institute of the Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Wisconsin-Madison University and others highlighting the issues of Islam and the Orthodox Church in Russia, Quranic Principles of Inter-faith harmony and an outline of a population history of the middle Volga region.

We enjoyed our time in historic Kazan and came away enriched by exchange of information and ideas with new and long-time colleagues.