NU SSH students Aizhan Tulendinova and Alua Kadyrbek co-authored the math-oriented paper

Today we would like to congratulate our talented graduate bachelor graduates – Aizhan Tulendinova and Alua Kadyrbek for their first co-authored the math-oriented paper. The papers are based on their project work outcomes when they were Research Assistants of Associate Professor Pyotr Skrzypacz, also they are students in the Capstone Project course.
Aizhan and Alua finished bachelor in Mathematics. Aizhan is now a Master student in the Master Program of Applied Mathematics at NU SSH. Alua is a Master student in the Erasmus program in Europe.
Detailed information about their papers you can find via links provided below.
Aizhan Tulendinova
Oscillations of retaining wall subject to Grob’s swelling pressure
published in Scientific Reports (Nature), Q1, IF 5. Scientific Reports is the 5th most cited journal in the world.
Alua Kadyrbek
Dead-core solutions to fast diffusion–reaction equation for catalyst slabs with power-law reaction kinetics and external mass transfer resistance
published in Chemical Engineering Journal, Q1, IF 16.7, rank 4 out 166 in Chemical Engineering.