Professor Durvudkhan Suragan has been appointed to the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Professor of the NU SSH Durvudkhan Suragan has been appointed to the Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Associate Professor of the NU School of Sciences and Humanities Durvudkhan Suragan became the youngest member of the commission.
The Higher Scientific and Technical Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a collegial body under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. HSTC is led by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The tasks of HSTC are:
1) building complex tasks and priorities aimed at the development of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities;
2) determination of priority fundamental and applied scientific research in the areas of science;
3) consideration of the proposals of the National Scientific Councils;
4) determination and determination of the state budget in priority areas for the development of science of the amount of funding from the budget for scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, for specially scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs formed within the framework of the state defense order, as well as determining the amount of funding commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities;
5) approval of the main directions of development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) approval of applications for scientific, scientific and technical programs for program-targeted financing and for financing fundamental scientific research;
7) development of content to attract foreign investment in the field of science;
8) development of proposals for the interaction of science, education and the implementation of state scientific and technical products and innovation policy;
9) application of the annual report on the disease by science.