Scientific Student Exhibition «Zhas Galym»

The department of the Kazakh Language and Turkic Studies of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Nazarbayev University, held the «Zhas Galym» student scientific exhibition in cooperation with the International Association of Kazakh Teachers on 12-19th April 2019. The scientific exhibition was dedicated to two anniversaries in 2019 – the 120th anniversary of the birth of the first academician, the first president of the Science Academy of Kazakhstan, Kanysh Imantayevich Satpayev and declared “2019 – the year of youth”.
Significance of the event: Popularization of the Kazakh language among students of Nazarbayev University; formation of students’ academic skills of scientific research in the Kazakh language; the development of personal and civic activity of students through the study of topical issues of modern Kazakhstani society; the development of integration between youth in Astana.
More than 60 students and professors from five universities of Nur-Sultan took part in the exhibition “Zhas Galym”: Nazarbayev University; Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev; Kazakh Agro-Technical University named after S.Seifullin; KAZGUU named after M.Narikbaev; Eurasian Institute of Humanities; University, “Turan-Astana”.
The scientific exhibition presented the best 40 scientific posters and scientific articles selected by the selection committee in four scientific fields: Kazakh linguistics; Kazakh literary studies; Social and Human Sciences; Natural and Technical sciences. Subjects of scientific posters are actual problems of the domestic and world scientific community, ranging from the reformation of the Latin alphabet to the latest medical advances in treatment in the field of cancer cells.
At the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Zhas Galym”, the head of the Department of the Kazakh language and Turkology, Uli Schamiloglu, delivered a welcoming speech. Congratulations of the participants were made by the Vice-President for Student Affairs and International Cooperation of Nazarbayev University Kadisha Dairova; SHSS Dean,Daniel Pugh; President of the International Association of Kazakh Language Teachers Elmira Orazaliyeva and the director of the cultural center “Ruhani zhanyru” Gultas Kurmanbay.
All participants presented their scientific research to a professional jury consisting of qualified professionals. According to the results of the presentation, the best student research papers were selected in 4 scientific areas:
- In the section “Kazakh linguistics” – “Language aggression in social networks: causes, consequences and solutions,” the author Davronbekova Nafosathon (KAZGUU named after M. Narikbaeva);
- On the section “Kazakh literary studies” – “The nature of the translation of the poem by Iliyas Zhansugurov“ The Kulager into English ”, by Auyez Aruzhan, 1st year student, SHSS;
- On the section “Humanities and Social Sciences” – “The names of residential complexes in the city of Nur-Sultan: in the context of linguistic and analytical analysis”, the authors Syrattai Asylzat and Aganova Saltanat, Economics, 2nd year, SHSS NU;
- In the section “Natural Science, Technical Sciences” – “Ways to Reduce Food Waste Disposal”, authors Kumisbek Ayganim and Kaldar Saltanat, second-year students, SST NU.
At the end of the exhibition, all participants received certificates of participation; the winners were awarded with letters of appreciation and memorable gifts.
Scientific Student exhibition “Zhas galym” has become a platform for scientific debate and shaping the future cohort of the country.